Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders and biceps are sore. Quads feel a little sore, but its faint. Might be worse tomorrow.
  • Sleep: ~7 hrs. non quality
  • Nutrition: lots of water and trying to do Paleo. No coffee or dairy today. Some fruit.
  • Notes: Got a deep tissue massage today from the past 4 weeks of training. She worked on my shoulders and legs focusing on my left shoulder and left leg IT. Gonna take the next 2 days off as well and hit one workout on Friday, then take Sat. and Sun. off and hit a new cycle next Monday. Should be sufficiently rested by then.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A1. 400m run, easy
A2. Light warmup

B. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run
-w/ a 20# weight vest

Time - 46:22 [PR]

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feel good from resting up the past 2 days. Still have a slight catch in my left shoulder.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs
  • Nutrition: Crap
  • Notes: This is the first time I have ever done Murph w/ a weight vest. It was tough. Pushups were the hard part as to be expected. Did the first run in 6:42 which may have been a bit fast but I was trying to keep up with the non weight vest pack. The last run was awful. The first 800m was slow going then I kicked it on for last 800m. Gym was crowded so I might could have gone faster between the pullups and pushups. There was a wait every so often though I wasn't complaining. Good workout.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

WEEK 4, WOD 20

7:00 AM

A. Mobility/ROM

B. Jerk, Heavy single

C. 5 rounds for time of:
10 man-makers, 35#
50 DU's

Time - 14:38

Daily Report:
  • Body: hip flexors are tight today from the ruck yesterday. Shoulders and traps are a little sore as well.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy, will be at the Byron Nelson today so will probably have some beer. 4g fish oil, 5g Vit. C
  • Notes: Jerks went ok this morning. I still think I have trouble hitting maximal weights in the morning. I've done 235 off the front and 245 off the back, just couldn't lock out 220 this morning. The metcon sucked. Man-makers are brutal. Combined with DU's this one was a shoulder smoker. I think I am ready for a couple days of rest.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

WEEK 4, WOD 19

Active Recovery Day

A1. ROM/Mobility
A2. CFWU x 1 @ 15 reps

B. Hike w/ 40# pack from gym to house
*distance = 5.2 miles
**Time - 1hr, 38min, 58sec

C. Stretch

Daily Report:
  • Body: I've got some soreness in my shoulders from back squats yesterday. Little soreness in my lower back from the Sumo DL's as well. Everything else is feeling good.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs.
  • Nutrition: Paleo + a little dairy during day then some junk at dinner (PWO), 5g Vit. C, 4g fish oil, 2g MSM
  • Notes: Checked this distance of this out after the fact. I thought it was at least 6 miles. Guess I was walking a little slower than I thought. Not overly tough, though my traps and upper back started to get really sore towards the end.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 4, WOD 18

10:15 AM:


A1. 2 x 25m underwater swim, rest 1:00
B1. 5 x 100m CSS @ 3:00, average was 1:34/100m
B2. 5 x 50m CSS @ 1:30, average was :44/50m
B3. 10 x 25m free @ :30, average was :19/25m

4:00 PM:

A1. 500m row warmup, easy
A2. Mobility/ROM
A3. Light power cleans & back squats

B. Back Squat, 1-1-1

C. For time:

800m run
21 - SumoDL, 225#/Box jump 24"/incline pushups (off box)
400m run
15 - SumoDL/BJ/IPU
800m Run
9 - SumoDL/BJ/IPU
400m run

Time - 15:38

Daily Report:
  • Body: left shoulder is a little tight today, but everything else feels good.
  • Sleep: ~10hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy. had some coffee with a dash of heavy cream this morning. 5g Vit. C, 4g fish oil.
  • Notes: Swim went well this morning. This was one my go-to's from a while ago and one of my favorites. I used it a lot when I was trying to decrease my 500m CSS time. Second half of day went well. Had a 1 RM PR on Back Squat. I knew I could get 315 seeing how 300 is a 3RM. The metcon was fun. The runs, especially the second 800m were awful. Every movement was unbroken so the entire workout could've been faster had I not sucked it up on the runs. Good day all around.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Training Shift on June 6, 2011

I am going to see the current cycle I'm on through to next week. I have 3 more days of workouts (W/TH/F) which will make it 4 weeks on hard, and 2 days off (Sat/Sun), then Murph on Monday with 3 days rest (T/W/TH) then a hard workout on Friday (basically a staggered rest week), then 2 more days off (Sat/Sun). After that I think I am going to pick up this schedule:

Monday: Full body lift + metcon
Tuesday: Swim + PT
Wednesday: Lower body lift + metcon
Thursday: Swim + CFE run (short distance option)
Friday: Upper body lift + metcon
Saturday (optional depending on how I feel): CFE run (mid-long distance option)+ PT

I think I will roll with this schedule for 4-6 weeks starting June 6th and see how it goes.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 4, WOD 17

Early AM

A1. Mobility/ROM
A2. 800m run, easy

B. For time:

OHS, 95#

Time - 5:03

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feeling good today, but everything is a bit tired. Abs are sore from GHD situps yesterday and situps the day before.
  • Sleep: Not good. 5-6 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + Dairy, 2g fish oil, 2g MSM, 5g Vit. C
  • Notes: I think it's getting close to a rest week. I also need to cut out the coffee and dairy. I'm holding onto some fat around the mid section right now, so I don't know if that is a sign of over reaching, poor nutrition, lack of sleep or a combination of everything. I'm going to try no coffee/dairy first to reduce that stressor as I have a feeling this may be the main culprit. I've had more booze in my diet lately too. So in lieu of all this I took it easy today. Was going to swim as well but the pool had a delayed opening due to a meet that I was unaware of so no swimming today. Had to break the OHS's on the 15 set. Felt really slow today. Going to rest up the rest of the day and see how I feel tomorrow.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

WEEK 4, WOD 16


A1. 800m run, easy/ROM
A2. 21-15-9, wall ball, pushups, DU's

B. Thruster, 3RM

C. For time:
15 Thrusters, 80% 3RM - 135
100 KB Swings, 53#
800m Farmers carry, 53# each
Time - 20:55

D. 50 Situps, abmat, 50 Back extensions


A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility

B. 5k, easy pace
Time - 24:29

C. 5 rds:
10 GHD situps
10 Back Ext.

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feels a little tired today but real soreness. Hands are tender from pullups.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs in bed but slept off and on
  • Nutrition: Paleo, 5g Vit. C, 4g Fish oil, 2g MSM
  • Notes: AM workout went well. It's hard to lift in the mornings since I have spent so much time lifting in the afternoons. The 3RM is a PR since I have never done that before that I know of. The KB Swings were tough today considering the pullups from yesterday. Broke them up in 25's and the last set in 15 & 10. The FC was rough. My forearms were on fire. The 5k was tough even though it was supposed to be "easy". The wind was really ripping hard today and i ran 1/2 the course that I did for the 10k last week. Very hilly and rough.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

WEEK 4, Workout 15

A1. 500m row, easy

A2. Mobility/ROM

B. Deck of Cards workout:

Hearts = Pullups
Diamonds = Situps
Spades = True Pushups
Clubs = Double Unders
Jokers = 400m run

J = 11, Q= 12, K = 13, A = 14

*Layed all cards out and did the workout for time - 22:34

Daily Report:
  • Body: No soreness, everything feels good
  • Sleep: 10-11hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: I liked this body weight workout. I felt really good afterward as well. No problems during other than a piece when I had to do 24 pullups together, so I had to break them. Wasn't winded afterward either.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Feel really good today. No soreness from yesterday and my knee feels good too. Legs are a little tired.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs
  • Nutrition: Ok, some beer.
  • Notes: Didn't have time to get anything done today. Went to E. Texas early and got back late.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

WEEK 3, DAY 14

9:00 AM:

A. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility, ROM

B. Deadlift 10-8-6-4-3-3-3

C. Strict Pullups, 10-8-6-4-2


A1. 25m underwater warmup
A2. 1000m CSS

Time -19:36
B. 100m CSS sprint
C. 50m CSS sprint, :39[PR]
D. 25m underwater
E. Drown proofing drills at 10' and 12'

4:30 PM

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility + Light Clean & Jerks

B. "Abbate"

For time:
1 mile run
21 C&J - 155#
800m run
21 C&J - 155#
1 mile run

Time - 32:55

Daily Report:

  • Body: Feel good today. No pain in the knee today. I watched this video on MobilityWOD and it seemed to help. Traps are slightly sore from the Hang Power Snatches yesterday. Chest is kinda sore as well.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: Deadlifts absolutely sucked today. Tried them at 9:00am. I'm either tired, worn out, or something. I could barely get 335 off the ground. Might need to have a pull back week next week, or it was just too early to pull some heavy weight. I will make that decision after "Abbate" this afternoon. Swim was strong today. I have never swam a 50m CSS faster than :42 so I'm pretty happy about today's PR. My stroke felt really strong and I was gliding really smooth through the water.
  • PM - Abbate was TOUGH. One of the harder one's I have ever done. The C&J's were overly heavy. First run was 6:40, on the bar right around 7, 800m at 14:00, back at 18:00. This run was really hard considering it was uphill for the first half. Finished the next set off C&J's at 25:00 then finished up at 32:55. The first 400m of the last mile was awful. I never stopped though.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

WEEK 3, DAY 13

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. General Warmup

B. 5 rounds for time of:

7 Hang power snatch, 95#
15 True Pushups*

Time - 4:42

C. Practiced Clean & Jerks @ 155# for tomorrow

Daily Report:

  • Body: Feel good today.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: *True Pushups - lift hands off the ground in the bottom of the pushup. Nice quick workout. I was supposed to swim but time got away so I did this one. I flew through the first 3 rounds and then the pushups got overly hard on the last 2 sets. All HPS's were unbroken. Tomorrow is "Abbate" so I practiced some C&J's to get a feel for the weight. It's gonna be brutal.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WEEK 3, Day 12

Early Afternoon:

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. General Warmup

B. Overhead Squat, 1RM

C. 100 Power Snatch, 75#
Time - 7:43


A. 3 rounds NFT of:
3 OHS, 80% - 180#
10 Body blasters
50m bar carry, 180#

B. 1.5 mile run @ moderate pace
Time - 10:21

C. Stretch

*I'm going to swipe Shane's method of daily reporting:

Daily Report:
  • Body: Knee was a bit sore during workout then really felt bad later in the evening. Stretching really helped. Shoulders are a bit sore from OH lunges the other day.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: Overhead squats felt good considering I haven't really done them heavy since the knee injury. I'm happy that I matched my previous PR. I probably could have done 230# but I will give that a go next time. I had already hit too many heavy's by 225#. Power Snatches were tough. I couldn't keep up with my current "Randy" time. Just felt really winded during. The 3 rounds NFT was supposed to be 5 rounds but the OHS's were giving me a struggle so i dropped it to 3 rounds. 1.5 mile run felt good. My feet started burning towards the end though.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



Monday, May 16, 2011

WEEK 3, Day 11


A1. 500m Row, easy
A2. General warmup/ROM/Mobility

B. 5 rounds for time of:
15 OHS, 95#
10 Deadhang pullups
400m Run

Time - 20:35

-1000m CSS, 80% effort - 19:02
-3 x 100m CSS @ 2:00 intervals

D. 10 x 100m sprints @ :15 rest


A2. General warmup

B. Bench Press, 1 RM

C. Not for time:
20 Bench press @ 80% 1 RM - 155#
100m OH walking lunge, 45# bar
1500m Row

D1. 100 4-ct flutter kicks, 50 straight legged situps
D2. Stretch

Tomorrow is a rest day, so I hit it hard today. Everything felt good today. The Dh's pullups were tough due to the OHS's. Good day of training.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Feeling pretty good today considering yesterday and 210 reps each of burpees and KB swings. My hamstrings are tight and slightly sore but thats really it. Knee feels good as well. Will eat well and rest up for the week today.

Saturday, May 15, 2011

A1. 800m run
A2. General Warmup

B. For time
20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, KB Swngs, 70#
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20, Burpees

Time - 26:42

C1. 800m Cool down
C2. Stretch

This was a tough but kinda fun workout. Used the Russian swing. My back started to get tight by the 16's and the burpees were like a rest until the 15's. After that they got really brutal. Saved a little in the tank to finish strong on the last 20 burpees.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011


A1. 500m Row, easy

A2. Mobility & light C&J's

B. Clean & Jerk 1-1-1
205 - 215[F] - 215

C. 5 rounds not timed,
3 C&J, 80% - 175#
15 KB Swings, 53#
50m Farmers Carry, 70#

D. Swim:
5 x 250m free, rest as needed

Clean & Jerks felt heavy today. I tried to power jerk everything but once I got to 205 I missed the Jerk. I PC'd the bar and re-jerked in the split. Missed the jerk out front on the first set of 215#, and nailed it solid on the second set. No PR's by any means, but a good day. Swim was supposed to be done CSS but the pool was crowded and I had to share a lane so I switched it to freestyle. Average pace on each 250m was around 4:20 May do "Barbara" this afternoon.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A1. 500m Row, easy
A2. ROM & mobility

B. 10k run, moderate pace (80% effort)
Time - 55:35

C. Stretch

Absolutely horrible route that I chose for this one. Lots of rolling hills, so I guess it was good to get some work in that way. I had to walk a few times because my legs just couldn't handle it anymore. Lungs weren't a problem, just muscular endurance. Pace was 9:06/mile which all-in-all isn't that bad for having to be an 80% effort.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A1. Foam roll/Mobility
A2. 400m Run
A3. BB Complex 75-105#
-clean -> thruster -> back squat thruster

B. For time:

800m Run
7 Rounds of:
10 Thrusters, 95#
10 burpees
800n Run

Time - 22:--

D. Cool Down:
50 GHD Situps
50 Back Extensions

Tough workout today. Felt pretty sluggish on everything. All thrusters were unbroken which is a plus. Broke the situps and extensions up in 5 sets of 10 each.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, April 9, 2011


A. OTM for 20:00 of

1 Deadlift, 205# + 2 pushups
-add 1 DL and 2 pushups each minute until I can't complete the round then restart at 1 DL + 2 PU's
Ladder Climbs: 1-9, 1-8, 1-3

B. 1600m Swim intervals:

3 x 200m free, rest as needed
2 x 100m free, on 2:00
3 x 100m free, on 3:00
10 x 50m CSS, OTM for 10:00


A1. 500m row easy
A2. Mobility warmup & 3 rounds, 20 Wall balls, 20 DU's
A3. Light Cleans

B. Clean 8-6-4-3-2-1-1

C. 5 rounds not for time
3 Cleans at 80% 1 RM - 180#
20 KB swings, 53#
50m farmers carry, 70#

D. 10 x 100m sprints, :20 rest

E. 3 x 1:00 plank holds, 1:00 rest

Long day of training. Feel good at the end of the day. Swims went well today. Freestyle was overly slow though. I was hitting 50m about the same time I would a CSS 50m sprint. Cleans felt solid today even though I haven't front squatted since the knee injury. Just couldn't get out of the hole on the miss at 225 for the first attempt. Had good energy otherwise all day. Will try to get some rest tonight and a nice big dinner with plenty of protein and veggies.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rest Day

I'm feeling really good today. I think the stretching and fish oil PWO has really been paying off. Not to mention I like this way of training much better. It just suits me. Longer workouts and some endurance work with strength here and there was how I used to train and that's when my capacity to do work was the greatest. I'm going to stick it out for a while, with a "pull back" week every 5-6 weeks depending on how I feel.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A. Mobility warmup

B. "The Chief"

5 rounds of:

AMRAP in 3:00
3 Power Cleans, 135#
6 Pushups
9 Squats
Rest 1:00

Total = 6-6-5-5-6

One of my favorites. It's not a PR but its the same amount of rounds as I got last time I did this in October. The rounds for that go were 7-6-5-5-5. The squats get really tough towards the end.

4g fish oil

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011



30:00 TT for distance
1600m at 30:36[PR]


A2. 800m run

B. Back Squat

C. 5 rounds, not timed:

3 x BS @ 90% 3RM,
10 x weighted step-ups (2 x 35# DB), 20" box
6 x Sprint Starts

D. Tabata - 8 rounds of each exercise in order:

Row (Calories)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011


-Rolled out and stretched

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



2 x 20 pushups, 20 situps, 6 pullups
2 x 10 pushups, 10 situps, 3 pullups

2 x 500m CSS @ 5:00 rest, 90% effort
1. 9:04
2. 9:22


A1. 500m row, easy

A2. Barbell warmup to 135#

B. "Hammer"

5 rounds for time of:

5 Power Cleans, 135#
10 Front Squats
5 Push Jerks
20 Pullups
Rest :90

Time - 17:57

C. 1 mile walk/jog with 50# weight vest

"Hammer" was a tough workout. I'm gonna rank it as one of my favorites. Good mix of movements, and I rocked through it pretty good. 1st round was unbroken, the rest were done w/ 4 PC's, 1 PC + 8 FS, 2 FS + 5 Jerks. 2nd round of pullups were 12/8, the 3rd round was 10/10 and the next rounds were 10/5/5. Splits per round were:
0:00 - 1:42
3:12 - 5:24
6:54 - 9:48
11:18 - 14:01
15:31 - 17:57
-1 mile weight vest walk left my traps screaming. Other than that it wasn't that bad. Good training day.

4g fish oil, 1 tab NUUN, 2g MSM

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A1. ROM Drills
A2. Progression of back squat, front squat and c & j:
5 x each w/ 45 bar, then 95#, then 135#

B. For time:
800 m run
30 x jumping lunges
30 x push ups
30 x sit ups
800 m run

25 x Chest to Bar pull ups
200 m overhead walking lunge w/ pvc pipe
25 x Burpees
800 m run

20 x back squats (135/95# clean/press to rack position- no rack)
5 x front squats (same load)
20 x Power clean & jerk (same load)

Time -36:--

C1. 3 x 1 minute plank holds.
C2. Active Stretch

Had to do only 5 FS due to my knee. Started to hurt, then felt better after the PC&J's. Good sweat on this one. Need to get better at planks. I was really shaky on those.

4g fish oil, 16oz. club soda

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011



A2. 3 rds of warmup:
10 CTB Pullups
10 Pushups, strict CTG
10 Wall Ball, 20#

B. Push Press, 1RM


C. Not for time:

15 PP @ 85% 1RM - 165 (no rack)
70 KB snatch, 53#
10 x 20yd. shuttle

D1. 1.5 Mile time trial - 10:16
D2. 100 Leg Levers

D3. Stretch

I'm a little run down from the weekend, so the workout was kinda slow go. The 1.5 mile run felt good though I had to run the last 1200m with a solid stitch in the side. Probably could've done better on the PP if it was later on in the week.

4g Fish oil