Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

WEEK 3, DAY 14

9:00 AM:

A. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility, ROM

B. Deadlift 10-8-6-4-3-3-3

C. Strict Pullups, 10-8-6-4-2


A1. 25m underwater warmup
A2. 1000m CSS

Time -19:36
B. 100m CSS sprint
C. 50m CSS sprint, :39[PR]
D. 25m underwater
E. Drown proofing drills at 10' and 12'

4:30 PM

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility + Light Clean & Jerks

B. "Abbate"

For time:
1 mile run
21 C&J - 155#
800m run
21 C&J - 155#
1 mile run

Time - 32:55

Daily Report:

  • Body: Feel good today. No pain in the knee today. I watched this video on MobilityWOD and it seemed to help. Traps are slightly sore from the Hang Power Snatches yesterday. Chest is kinda sore as well.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: Deadlifts absolutely sucked today. Tried them at 9:00am. I'm either tired, worn out, or something. I could barely get 335 off the ground. Might need to have a pull back week next week, or it was just too early to pull some heavy weight. I will make that decision after "Abbate" this afternoon. Swim was strong today. I have never swam a 50m CSS faster than :42 so I'm pretty happy about today's PR. My stroke felt really strong and I was gliding really smooth through the water.
  • PM - Abbate was TOUGH. One of the harder one's I have ever done. The C&J's were overly heavy. First run was 6:40, on the bar right around 7, 800m at 14:00, back at 18:00. This run was really hard considering it was uphill for the first half. Finished the next set off C&J's at 25:00 then finished up at 32:55. The first 400m of the last mile was awful. I never stopped though.

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