Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011: Week 4, Workout 20

Max for day

A. Snatch

B. Clean & Jerk

C. Back Squat (HB)

Daily Report:
  • Notes: Had a solid attempt on the 185 for a PR. There was a slight press out in the bottom with my right arm though. Got under 187.5 but could not lock out. C&J felt heavy today and the tennis elbow issue came back after a couple heavy sets. Back squat was solid and my knees are feeling good. Tried 300 again but got on my toes in the bottom and missed. Didn't want to try again.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011: Week 4, Workout 19)


-Max for day: 225-235[F]-235[PR]
-80%x2: 188

B. Snatch 70%x2x5

C. Deadlift 5x3, +5

5 rounds of:
5 DB Power Snatch
5 DB Power Jerk
5 DB Split Clean (Each leg)
*15% of best power clean - 35# each

-Pressed the bar back instead of up trying to get it overhead for the first 235#.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011: Week 4, Workout 18

A. Front Squat 83%x3x5

B. Snatch Pull 95%x2x3

C. Jerk
-max for day: 185-205[F]-205-215-225[F]
-90%x1x3: 195

3 rounds of:
250m row
3 rope climbs
10 Sandbag shoulders, 50% BW (5/each)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011: Week 4, Workout 17

7:30 AM

3:00 row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Muscle Snatch 40%x3x3

B. C&J 70%x2x5

3 Rounds for time of:
6, 1 arm DB power snatch (each arm), 55#
50m Prowler Push, 50% BW - 90

Time - 3:47

Daily Report:
  • Body: Good, right shoulder still bothering me.
  • Sleep: Garbage
  • Nutrition: Paleo + Dairy: PreWO - 6g BCAAs, PWO - 6g BCAAs, 1 scoop SFHPWO, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine
  • Notes: Felt good today. Was a bit shaky on the second jerk on 4 of 5 sets. Had good drive under the bar for the jerk and good drive from the hole on the catch.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011: Week 4, Workout 16


5:00 row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Back Squat 85%x2x4

B. Snatch DL 116%x3x3

C. Push Press 78%x4x5

3 sets of:
A1. weighted chinups x6, rest 1:00 - 10-15-20
A2. 15 GHD situps, rest 2:00

Daily Report:
  • Body: right shoulder between the blade and spine is still twingy
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, not good - Haven't slept real well the past few nights. I attribute it to poor nutrition choices before bed. Changed things up a bit today so we will see how it works
  • Nutrition: Been eating pretty much whatever I wanted though I've been avoiding wheat and grains. Last night I had something fried with bread and I stopped me up really bad and left me bloated and I slept like shit. Today I focused on quality foods and lots of it. PreWO - 6g BCAAs. PWO - 6g BCAAs, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 2 scoops SFH PWO, 2 small sweet potatoes. I'm going to do this after every heavy/high volume day. After a lower volume/lower intensity day I will just have some whey or meat accompanied by BCAA's.
  • Notes: Squats felt heavy today. Everything else went well.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: right shoulder between the blade and the spine is starting to give me a little trouble again. I've been neglecting stretching...
  • Sleep: 8-9hrs. not good, I ate a huge bowl of frozen yogurt and toppings last night and I think that caused me to not sleep well.
  • Nutrition: whatever.
  • Notes: Softball practice today, 1.5 hrs. Below is a video of the first or second miss on the snatch at 185. Just couldn't hold it overhead.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011: Week 3, Workout 15

10:00 AM

Burgener Warmup
Light snatches

A. Snatch, max for day
175 - 185 [Fx3]

B. Clean & Jerk, max for day

C. Front Squat, max for day

Daily Report:
  • Body: little soreness in left arm PWO
  • Sleep: 8 hrs, not good
  • Nutrition: PreWO: 6gBCAA, PWO: 1 scoop SFHPWO, 2 small sweet potatoes, 6g BCAAs, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine
  • Notes: Good day all in all. Got under the snatch at 185 all three times but could not lock it out. Drop the weight on my lower back on 3rd attempt. That didn't feel too great. Cleans felt solid today as well as the jerks up to 235. Missed the first 2 attempts on the jerk at 235. I wasn't driving down on the bar and getting far enough under. Typical lockout issues. On the third I really focused on driving down and made it solid. Happy with the front squat PR as this is about what I expected. As with the BS last week, I feel I could've hit 275 if that was the first movement of the day. I came out of the hole fine but died out on the way up. I held it there for about 3-4 seconds before having to give up.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011: Week 3, Workout 14

3:00 PM

3:00 row, moderate effort
Burgener Warmup

A. Snatch Balance, max for day

B. Power Snatch + Snatch 75%x1+1x5, 2:00 rest

4 rounds of:
3 Box Jumps, 30" (full hip ext. to top, soft landing)
12 Kipping pullups
50m Prowler push, 180#
Rest 1:00

Daily Report:
  • Body: great
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Quality foods, lots
  • Notes: New PR on snatch balance. Tried for 225 but could not lock out at bottom. Prowler pushes were rough. Pullups unbroken.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011: Week 3 Workout 13

3:00 PM

3:00 row, easy
Burgener Warmup

A. Jerk
-max for day: 235
-85%x2x2 - 200

B. Front Squat 78%x3x5

C. Deadlift 5x3, +5 from last week

D. Snatch Pull 90%x3x3

3 sets of:
20 HLR
20 DB over head walking lunge (10 each), 35#
20 Pushups

Daily Report:
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: 6 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: lots of food, carb heavy: PreWO, bbq with potato salad (2hrs prior), 6g BCAA's. PWO, 6g BCAA, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 2 scoops SFH PWO, 1 med. sweet potato. PPWO, corn tortilla enchiladas, rice, chips, 5 beers.
  • Notes: Good training today. Made it back up to my current 1RM for a jerk from the front though it was a bit shaky. My drive under the bar is getting better. Front squats went well with no hitches. Deadlifts felt good to. I'm starting to get proper position back. The conditioning was rough probably due to lack of sleep and a tough day of training.

Thursday, July 21, 2011: REST DAY


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011: Week 3, Workout 12

10:30 AM

3:00 row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Mid-hand snatch high pull + mid-hang muscle snatch x2+2x3, rest 1:00
B. Clean & Jerk, 1:00 rest

Secondary work:
3 sets of:
A1. GHR from hip back ext x 10, no rest
A2. 10 Sandbag half moons, 20% of BW, 40#, rest :30

Daily Report:
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: 8hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: good, PreWO: 6g BCAA's, PWO: 6g BCAA's, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine. Decided to track my food intake for a week to hit 3000-3500 kcals/day (I think I don't eat enough) with 40%P, 35%F, 25%C. This boils down to 300g protein, 116g fat, 188g carbs. I am definitely going to have to eat some starchier carbohydrate sources and have 4 meals per day to hit these numbers. FOOD LOG
  • Notes: Good day of training. C&J felt strong with smooth transitions and solid landings. Had a couple shaky landings towards the end that I attribute to the rest times.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, July 10, 2011: Week 3, Workout 11


3:00 row, easy/mobility
Burgener warmup

A. Back Squat (HB) - 83%x3x5
B. Snatch Deadlift - 113%x3x3
210 (+5 from last week)
C. Push Press - 76%x5x5

3 sets of:
A1. Chinups x 8, 1:00 rest
A2. GHD Situps x 20, 2:00 rest
-triggerpoint mobility during rest periods

Daily Report:
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: 10hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: strict, PreWO: 6g BCAA - PWO: 6g BCAA, 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM - sweet potato, chicken, onion, cauliflower mixture. Had chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a Shiner for dinner. Delicious! Haven't eaten that in a long time.
  • Notes: Everything went well, good day of training.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011: Week 2, Workout 10

Max Effort Day


500m row, easy
Burgener warmup
light snatches

A. Snatch, max
B. Clean & Jerk, max
C. Back Squat (High Bar), max

Daily Report:
  • Body: left knee was a little sore today in the patella tendon.
  • Sleep: 9hrs, good
  • Nutrition: PreWO: 6g BCAA's, PWO: 6g BCAA's, 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM, ~4oz. chicken breast
  • Notes: Great training day. I didn't spend to much time working up on any sets. Got under 182.5 twice but had trouble locking out. Made the 3rd attempt which is a 2.5lb PR. Hit 225 on the C&J with ease and 230 went up fairly easy as well. Probably could have done 235 but will try for that next week. I am pretty happy with the BS since I am just getting back into the high bar for ATG squat. 275 was my previous PR prior to injury and that went up really easy today. I think the jump to 300 may have been too much but I can make that on a day that I haven't maxed on two movements prior. Settled with 285 which is still a PR so I'm happy.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011: Week 2, Workout 9

3:00 PM

500m row easy
Burgener warmup
5:00 HSPU work
light snatches

A. Mid-hang Power Snatch 65%x2x5
B. Snatch Balance
-heavy for day: 175-185-195[Fx2]-195
-90%x1x1: 175
-80%x2x2: 156

3 rounds of:
40m sled push, 135#
20 pushups
Rest 2:00

Daily Report:
  • Body: feeling good
  • Sleep: 6-7hrs decent (took 1.5g GABA)
  • Nutrition: Mostly strict, some additives in food would be questionable. PreWO = 6g BCAA's, PWO = 6g BCAA's, 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM. 750mg GABA and ZMA at bedtime.
  • Notes: the MHPS went well. Turnover was fast as well as explosiveness. 195 is probably a 1RM on snatch balance. I missed it a couple times initially due to some technical issues so that is why I continued trying. I think I could hit 200-205.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: Good, no soreness
  • Sleep: 7 hrs., decent
  • Nutrition: Strict, no fruit, dairy, legumes, grains, 1 small cup of coffee
  • Notes: Worked in yard most of the day, so can consider this an "active rest" day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders are a bit sore
  • Sleep: 8hrs decent
  • Nutrition: strict + lots of wine at dinner
  • Notes: None

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011: Week 1, Workout 5


A. Snatch - max

B. C&J - max

C. Clean - max

D. Rack Jerk

Secondary Work:
3 sets:
A1. 15 hanging leg raises, :90 rest
A2. 10 Back ext w/15lb DB on neck 2020, :90 rest

I got underneath 182.5 all 3 times but could not lock it out. The first of the 3 was the best. I should be able to get it next Sat. My jerk has gotten weak. Just didn't have it today so I went up higher on the clean and made 235. That was even a struggle. It should get better each week as I think I can FS 260-270 for a single. That test is coming up in 2 Saturdays. I also did the rack jerk b/c I knew I could lock out 225 overhead and just wanted to do it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011: Week 1, Workout 4


A. Overhead Squat 65%(of snatch)x3x5
*:03 pause at the bottom, 117

B. Tall Snatch 3x3

C. High Hang Snatch 60%x2x4

3 sets of:
300m row
3 rope climbs

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011: Week 1, Workout 3

8:00 AM


A. Front Squat 75%x4x5

B. Snatch Pull 85%(of snatch)x3x4

C. Jerk 70%x3x2, 75%x2x2, 80%x2x2
165, 176, 188

3 sets of:
15 kipping pullups
20 shoulder to shoulder sandbag PP, 25% of BW = 52lb

Time - 8:34

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011: Week 1, Workout 2


500m row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Muscle Snatch 40%(of snatch)x3x2
B. Power Clean + Clean 60%(of clean)x2+1x3
C. Power Jerk + Jerk 60%(of jerk)x2+1x3

4 rounds of:
10m shuttle run x 4
10 KB swings, 53#

Daily Report:
  • Body: lower back is sore. Left shoulder is a little sore as well. Did some work on it preWO and it felt better.
  • Sleep: 6 hrs, awful
  • Nutrition: 100% clean, no caffeine, no alcohol, PWO = 2 eggs, 4 egg whites, 1 ZICO coconut
  • Notes: Nice day of training. Total workout time was around 45-50 minutes. I miscalculated the clean portion at 137 and had to redo the weight after I had already hit the 3 sets.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011: Week 1, Workout 1


500m row, easy
light back squats

A. Back Squat 75%x5x5
B. Push Press 70%x5x5
C. Deadlift 75%x5x3
D. Jerk Dip Squats 90%(of jerk)x5x3

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feeling good after a relaxing weekend full of bad food and lots of beer
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Decent with some beer - 30 day clean starts tomorrow
  • Notes: All lifts went well today. Deadlift felt heavy. I think that is due to not having really done it much in the past few months. My current 1RM of 425 is probably unreachable at this point. We will see where it is after 10 weeks of hitting it every 8 days.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011: Rest Day/New Programming Template

New Programming Template:

This will be a 5-week strength emphasis cycle with a Bulgarian flavor to it. There will be regular heavy front and back squatting, pressing during the week along with single maxes in both the snatch and C&J on Saturdays with one other movement in a 1RM. I will deadlift heavy every 8 days in a 5 rep/3 set fashion, excluding rest days, starting at 80% of my current 1RM of 425, adding 5 lbs to each workout. Any conditioning and secondary work will focus on body weight movements and/or running or swimming. On the last day of the cycle I will max on the snatch, C&J, Press, and Back Squat. I will continue with the deadlifts every 8 days, excluding rest, in the next cycle until I hit at or around my current 1RM. I will then retest my 1RM in the deadlift 8 days later from the last 5x3 workout.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011: Week 4, Workout 21

9:00 AM


30:00, easy pace
-through neighborhoods and trails.

Nutrition has been crap with lots of beer. Run went ok today. Totaled between 3-3.5 miles in an easy pace.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011: Week 4, Workout 20


general warmup & mobility

Strength/Upper Body:
Press 3-3-3-1-1-1

Push Press 135x3x3

For time:
26 Back Squats, BW + 25# = 205
1 mile run

Time - 8:11

Notes: I'm still upset about the progress of the Press...which is none. Since I missed 135 I did 3 sets of 3 of push press just to get some work in. The MetCon was rough. The squats were hard and I got a mad stitch half way through the run. I wanted to get this under 8 minutes. I will be out of town this weekend for the 4th so nutrition will be spotty.