Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011: Week 5, Workout 22


A. Snatch (65%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1) x 3

B. C&J (65%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1) x 3

4 rounds of:
6 DB Muscle Snatch, 50% of MS, 35# each
6 Box Jumps, 30"
12 KTE's

Time - 8:19

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011: Week 5, Workout 21

*Final week of current cycle. Overall volume will be reduced for 1RM testing on Saturday. Post on new cycle will be next Sunday, August 7th.


A. Back Squat 90%x2x2

B. Snatch Pull 90%x2x2

C. Power Jerk 80%x2x3

Secondary work:
A1. Weighted Pullups 4x3, 1:00 Rest (35#)
A2. HSPU 5x3, 2:00

B1. Weighted Pushups 10x3, 1:00 rest (25# plate)
B2. GHD Situps 10x3, 2:00 rest

Daily Report:
  • Body: Good. Knees are a little tight from softball yesterday.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs. good
  • Nutrition: strict + dairy
  • Notes: Good day of training. Back squats felt solid.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011: Week 4, Workout 20

Max for day

A. Snatch

B. Clean & Jerk

C. Back Squat (HB)

Daily Report:
  • Notes: Had a solid attempt on the 185 for a PR. There was a slight press out in the bottom with my right arm though. Got under 187.5 but could not lock out. C&J felt heavy today and the tennis elbow issue came back after a couple heavy sets. Back squat was solid and my knees are feeling good. Tried 300 again but got on my toes in the bottom and missed. Didn't want to try again.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011: Week 4, Workout 19)


-Max for day: 225-235[F]-235[PR]
-80%x2: 188

B. Snatch 70%x2x5

C. Deadlift 5x3, +5

5 rounds of:
5 DB Power Snatch
5 DB Power Jerk
5 DB Split Clean (Each leg)
*15% of best power clean - 35# each

-Pressed the bar back instead of up trying to get it overhead for the first 235#.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011: Week 4, Workout 18

A. Front Squat 83%x3x5

B. Snatch Pull 95%x2x3

C. Jerk
-max for day: 185-205[F]-205-215-225[F]
-90%x1x3: 195

3 rounds of:
250m row
3 rope climbs
10 Sandbag shoulders, 50% BW (5/each)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011: Week 4, Workout 17

7:30 AM

3:00 row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Muscle Snatch 40%x3x3

B. C&J 70%x2x5

3 Rounds for time of:
6, 1 arm DB power snatch (each arm), 55#
50m Prowler Push, 50% BW - 90

Time - 3:47

Daily Report:
  • Body: Good, right shoulder still bothering me.
  • Sleep: Garbage
  • Nutrition: Paleo + Dairy: PreWO - 6g BCAAs, PWO - 6g BCAAs, 1 scoop SFHPWO, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine
  • Notes: Felt good today. Was a bit shaky on the second jerk on 4 of 5 sets. Had good drive under the bar for the jerk and good drive from the hole on the catch.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011: Week 4, Workout 16


5:00 row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Back Squat 85%x2x4

B. Snatch DL 116%x3x3

C. Push Press 78%x4x5

3 sets of:
A1. weighted chinups x6, rest 1:00 - 10-15-20
A2. 15 GHD situps, rest 2:00

Daily Report:
  • Body: right shoulder between the blade and spine is still twingy
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, not good - Haven't slept real well the past few nights. I attribute it to poor nutrition choices before bed. Changed things up a bit today so we will see how it works
  • Nutrition: Been eating pretty much whatever I wanted though I've been avoiding wheat and grains. Last night I had something fried with bread and I stopped me up really bad and left me bloated and I slept like shit. Today I focused on quality foods and lots of it. PreWO - 6g BCAAs. PWO - 6g BCAAs, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 2 scoops SFH PWO, 2 small sweet potatoes. I'm going to do this after every heavy/high volume day. After a lower volume/lower intensity day I will just have some whey or meat accompanied by BCAA's.
  • Notes: Squats felt heavy today. Everything else went well.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: right shoulder between the blade and the spine is starting to give me a little trouble again. I've been neglecting stretching...
  • Sleep: 8-9hrs. not good, I ate a huge bowl of frozen yogurt and toppings last night and I think that caused me to not sleep well.
  • Nutrition: whatever.
  • Notes: Softball practice today, 1.5 hrs. Below is a video of the first or second miss on the snatch at 185. Just couldn't hold it overhead.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011: Week 3, Workout 15

10:00 AM

Burgener Warmup
Light snatches

A. Snatch, max for day
175 - 185 [Fx3]

B. Clean & Jerk, max for day

C. Front Squat, max for day

Daily Report:
  • Body: little soreness in left arm PWO
  • Sleep: 8 hrs, not good
  • Nutrition: PreWO: 6gBCAA, PWO: 1 scoop SFHPWO, 2 small sweet potatoes, 6g BCAAs, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine
  • Notes: Good day all in all. Got under the snatch at 185 all three times but could not lock it out. Drop the weight on my lower back on 3rd attempt. That didn't feel too great. Cleans felt solid today as well as the jerks up to 235. Missed the first 2 attempts on the jerk at 235. I wasn't driving down on the bar and getting far enough under. Typical lockout issues. On the third I really focused on driving down and made it solid. Happy with the front squat PR as this is about what I expected. As with the BS last week, I feel I could've hit 275 if that was the first movement of the day. I came out of the hole fine but died out on the way up. I held it there for about 3-4 seconds before having to give up.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011: Week 3, Workout 14

3:00 PM

3:00 row, moderate effort
Burgener Warmup

A. Snatch Balance, max for day

B. Power Snatch + Snatch 75%x1+1x5, 2:00 rest

4 rounds of:
3 Box Jumps, 30" (full hip ext. to top, soft landing)
12 Kipping pullups
50m Prowler push, 180#
Rest 1:00

Daily Report:
  • Body: great
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Quality foods, lots
  • Notes: New PR on snatch balance. Tried for 225 but could not lock out at bottom. Prowler pushes were rough. Pullups unbroken.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011: Week 3 Workout 13

3:00 PM

3:00 row, easy
Burgener Warmup

A. Jerk
-max for day: 235
-85%x2x2 - 200

B. Front Squat 78%x3x5

C. Deadlift 5x3, +5 from last week

D. Snatch Pull 90%x3x3

3 sets of:
20 HLR
20 DB over head walking lunge (10 each), 35#
20 Pushups

Daily Report:
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: 6 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: lots of food, carb heavy: PreWO, bbq with potato salad (2hrs prior), 6g BCAA's. PWO, 6g BCAA, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 2 scoops SFH PWO, 1 med. sweet potato. PPWO, corn tortilla enchiladas, rice, chips, 5 beers.
  • Notes: Good training today. Made it back up to my current 1RM for a jerk from the front though it was a bit shaky. My drive under the bar is getting better. Front squats went well with no hitches. Deadlifts felt good to. I'm starting to get proper position back. The conditioning was rough probably due to lack of sleep and a tough day of training.

Thursday, July 21, 2011: REST DAY


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011: Week 3, Workout 12

10:30 AM

3:00 row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Mid-hand snatch high pull + mid-hang muscle snatch x2+2x3, rest 1:00
B. Clean & Jerk, 1:00 rest

Secondary work:
3 sets of:
A1. GHR from hip back ext x 10, no rest
A2. 10 Sandbag half moons, 20% of BW, 40#, rest :30

Daily Report:
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: 8hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: good, PreWO: 6g BCAA's, PWO: 6g BCAA's, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine. Decided to track my food intake for a week to hit 3000-3500 kcals/day (I think I don't eat enough) with 40%P, 35%F, 25%C. This boils down to 300g protein, 116g fat, 188g carbs. I am definitely going to have to eat some starchier carbohydrate sources and have 4 meals per day to hit these numbers. FOOD LOG
  • Notes: Good day of training. C&J felt strong with smooth transitions and solid landings. Had a couple shaky landings towards the end that I attribute to the rest times.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, July 10, 2011: Week 3, Workout 11


3:00 row, easy/mobility
Burgener warmup

A. Back Squat (HB) - 83%x3x5
B. Snatch Deadlift - 113%x3x3
210 (+5 from last week)
C. Push Press - 76%x5x5

3 sets of:
A1. Chinups x 8, 1:00 rest
A2. GHD Situps x 20, 2:00 rest
-triggerpoint mobility during rest periods

Daily Report:
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: 10hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: strict, PreWO: 6g BCAA - PWO: 6g BCAA, 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM - sweet potato, chicken, onion, cauliflower mixture. Had chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a Shiner for dinner. Delicious! Haven't eaten that in a long time.
  • Notes: Everything went well, good day of training.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011: Week 2, Workout 10

Max Effort Day


500m row, easy
Burgener warmup
light snatches

A. Snatch, max
B. Clean & Jerk, max
C. Back Squat (High Bar), max

Daily Report:
  • Body: left knee was a little sore today in the patella tendon.
  • Sleep: 9hrs, good
  • Nutrition: PreWO: 6g BCAA's, PWO: 6g BCAA's, 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM, ~4oz. chicken breast
  • Notes: Great training day. I didn't spend to much time working up on any sets. Got under 182.5 twice but had trouble locking out. Made the 3rd attempt which is a 2.5lb PR. Hit 225 on the C&J with ease and 230 went up fairly easy as well. Probably could have done 235 but will try for that next week. I am pretty happy with the BS since I am just getting back into the high bar for ATG squat. 275 was my previous PR prior to injury and that went up really easy today. I think the jump to 300 may have been too much but I can make that on a day that I haven't maxed on two movements prior. Settled with 285 which is still a PR so I'm happy.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011: Week 2, Workout 9

3:00 PM

500m row easy
Burgener warmup
5:00 HSPU work
light snatches

A. Mid-hang Power Snatch 65%x2x5
B. Snatch Balance
-heavy for day: 175-185-195[Fx2]-195
-90%x1x1: 175
-80%x2x2: 156

3 rounds of:
40m sled push, 135#
20 pushups
Rest 2:00

Daily Report:
  • Body: feeling good
  • Sleep: 6-7hrs decent (took 1.5g GABA)
  • Nutrition: Mostly strict, some additives in food would be questionable. PreWO = 6g BCAA's, PWO = 6g BCAA's, 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM. 750mg GABA and ZMA at bedtime.
  • Notes: the MHPS went well. Turnover was fast as well as explosiveness. 195 is probably a 1RM on snatch balance. I missed it a couple times initially due to some technical issues so that is why I continued trying. I think I could hit 200-205.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: Good, no soreness
  • Sleep: 7 hrs., decent
  • Nutrition: Strict, no fruit, dairy, legumes, grains, 1 small cup of coffee
  • Notes: Worked in yard most of the day, so can consider this an "active rest" day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders are a bit sore
  • Sleep: 8hrs decent
  • Nutrition: strict + lots of wine at dinner
  • Notes: None

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011: Week 1, Workout 5


A. Snatch - max

B. C&J - max

C. Clean - max

D. Rack Jerk

Secondary Work:
3 sets:
A1. 15 hanging leg raises, :90 rest
A2. 10 Back ext w/15lb DB on neck 2020, :90 rest

I got underneath 182.5 all 3 times but could not lock it out. The first of the 3 was the best. I should be able to get it next Sat. My jerk has gotten weak. Just didn't have it today so I went up higher on the clean and made 235. That was even a struggle. It should get better each week as I think I can FS 260-270 for a single. That test is coming up in 2 Saturdays. I also did the rack jerk b/c I knew I could lock out 225 overhead and just wanted to do it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011: Week 1, Workout 4


A. Overhead Squat 65%(of snatch)x3x5
*:03 pause at the bottom, 117

B. Tall Snatch 3x3

C. High Hang Snatch 60%x2x4

3 sets of:
300m row
3 rope climbs

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011: Week 1, Workout 3

8:00 AM


A. Front Squat 75%x4x5

B. Snatch Pull 85%(of snatch)x3x4

C. Jerk 70%x3x2, 75%x2x2, 80%x2x2
165, 176, 188

3 sets of:
15 kipping pullups
20 shoulder to shoulder sandbag PP, 25% of BW = 52lb

Time - 8:34

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011: Week 1, Workout 2


500m row, easy
Burgener warmup

A. Muscle Snatch 40%(of snatch)x3x2
B. Power Clean + Clean 60%(of clean)x2+1x3
C. Power Jerk + Jerk 60%(of jerk)x2+1x3

4 rounds of:
10m shuttle run x 4
10 KB swings, 53#

Daily Report:
  • Body: lower back is sore. Left shoulder is a little sore as well. Did some work on it preWO and it felt better.
  • Sleep: 6 hrs, awful
  • Nutrition: 100% clean, no caffeine, no alcohol, PWO = 2 eggs, 4 egg whites, 1 ZICO coconut
  • Notes: Nice day of training. Total workout time was around 45-50 minutes. I miscalculated the clean portion at 137 and had to redo the weight after I had already hit the 3 sets.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011: Week 1, Workout 1


500m row, easy
light back squats

A. Back Squat 75%x5x5
B. Push Press 70%x5x5
C. Deadlift 75%x5x3
D. Jerk Dip Squats 90%(of jerk)x5x3

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feeling good after a relaxing weekend full of bad food and lots of beer
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Decent with some beer - 30 day clean starts tomorrow
  • Notes: All lifts went well today. Deadlift felt heavy. I think that is due to not having really done it much in the past few months. My current 1RM of 425 is probably unreachable at this point. We will see where it is after 10 weeks of hitting it every 8 days.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011: Rest Day/New Programming Template

New Programming Template:

This will be a 5-week strength emphasis cycle with a Bulgarian flavor to it. There will be regular heavy front and back squatting, pressing during the week along with single maxes in both the snatch and C&J on Saturdays with one other movement in a 1RM. I will deadlift heavy every 8 days in a 5 rep/3 set fashion, excluding rest days, starting at 80% of my current 1RM of 425, adding 5 lbs to each workout. Any conditioning and secondary work will focus on body weight movements and/or running or swimming. On the last day of the cycle I will max on the snatch, C&J, Press, and Back Squat. I will continue with the deadlifts every 8 days, excluding rest, in the next cycle until I hit at or around my current 1RM. I will then retest my 1RM in the deadlift 8 days later from the last 5x3 workout.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011: Week 4, Workout 21

9:00 AM


30:00, easy pace
-through neighborhoods and trails.

Nutrition has been crap with lots of beer. Run went ok today. Totaled between 3-3.5 miles in an easy pace.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011: Week 4, Workout 20


general warmup & mobility

Strength/Upper Body:
Press 3-3-3-1-1-1

Push Press 135x3x3

For time:
26 Back Squats, BW + 25# = 205
1 mile run

Time - 8:11

Notes: I'm still upset about the progress of the Press...which is none. Since I missed 135 I did 3 sets of 3 of push press just to get some work in. The MetCon was rough. The squats were hard and I got a mad stitch half way through the run. I wanted to get this under 8 minutes. I will be out of town this weekend for the 4th so nutrition will be spotty.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011: Week 4, Workout 19

5:30 PM

general mobility
10 x 3 good mornings, 45#
light DL's and some box jumps

Deadlifts, 60% - 255
Box jumps, 30"

Time - 5:34

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011: Week 4, Workout 18

7:15 AM

500m row, easy
light snatch drills
light zercher squats

Strength/Lower Body:
Zercher Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1

Thrusters, 95#
Pullups (butterfly)

Time - 3:38

10:00 shoulder work with lacrosse ball

Daily Report:
  • Body: Everything feels good. Did some pre-"Fran" shoulder work
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, decent - had some indigestion early this morning from yesterday
  • Nutrition: Fasted up through workout. PWO: ~1 cup venison chili, fruit/veggie juice box, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine.
  • Notes: Zercher squats are still a tough movement. 255 is more than I have ever done on a front squat which is good considering its darn near the same movement. Fran went well considering. I think the strength work before caused me some problems due to the loading on my biceps and forearms. I was on pace for a sub-3:00 but the last round of 9's gave me some trouble. Everything was unbroken through then. I got to 5 thrusters on the set of 9 and had to really push to get the next 4. I then had to break the pullups 3 times. Had I been able to go straight through both it would have been sub 3:00 which would be a huge PR. I'm still happy with the result, though next time I will attempt "Fran" by itself to shoot for the evasive sub 3:00 time.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011: Week 4, Workout 17

4:00 PM

light mobility
10 x long distance box jumps w/ soft landing (6')
5 x one leg box jump (each leg)

Workout/Body weight metcon:
For time:
1000m run
1000m row

Time - 13:41

Daily Report:
  • Body: left shoulder is sore in the delt from snatches yesterday. Lower back is also slightly sore as well.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: crap - bday today so I ate whatever. Gluten free pizza at lunch, mozzarella and tomato salad, dessert, couple beers at dinner.
  • Notes: Today is a milestone for workouts. It's the first time I've done legit HSPU's in a workout. They were all kipped but were full ground to lockout w/ 1 abmat for cushion. 1000m run was 3:41 w/ the 1000m row around 3:30 or so.

Monday, June 27, 2011: Week 4, Workout 16

*This will be the final week of current program. I'm going to hit a 5 week strength program w/ an Olympic focus starting next Monday. Details will be posted on Sunday.

9:00 AM

700m row, easy
2x through:
10 GHD situps
10 Back Ext
5 Box Jumps, step down, 30"
10 Hand release pushups
snatch drills w/ bar

Strength/Full Body:
Snatch, 1RM
135-155-165-170[F]-170-175-180-185[F] x 2

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
250m row
1 no-legged rope climb

Total = 5 rds.

Daily Report:
  • Body: Adductors are still sore from sprints. My back is still sore from DL's on Friday. Need to reset to work on better back form.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, reasonable
  • Nutrition: decent
  • Notes: I'm back up to my current 1RM on snatch which I'm pretty pumped about. It looked and felt solid as well. I got under 185 both times but could not lock it out. The metcon wasn't really a breather. All the pulling led to tough rope climbs.

Sunday, June 26, 2011: Rest Day


Daily Report:
  • Notes: Adductors and hamstrings are sore from sprints

Saturday, June 25, 2011: Week 3, Workout 15

10:00 AM

500m Row, easy

6 x 200m sprint AFAP, rest 2:00

Daily Report:
  • Notes: These were tough. The first 2 were the best with the last 2 starting as a sprint and ending in more of a fast jog. Need work on sprints

Friday, June 24, 2011: Week 3, Workout 14

7:15 AM

500m Row, easy
light mobility

Strength A/Upper Body:
Press 5-5-5-3-3-3

Strength B/Full Body:
Deadlift single, 90% of 1RM
warmup: 225-315-345
single: 380

For time:
10 to 1 Overhead squat, 95#
1 to 10 Burpees

Time - 10:25

Cool down:
4 rounds of:
10 GHD situps
10 Back Ext.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011: Week 3, Workout 13

8:00 AM

400m run, easy/mobility
CFWU x 3 minus pullups

Strength/Lower Body:
Zercher Squats 5-5-5-3-3-3

MetCon #1: (CF Regional WOD 2)
On every :30, as high as possible 1 Clean to thruster, starting at 155

MetCon #2:
2 rds for time of:
40 Air Squats
30 Pullups
20 DB Push Press, 40#

Time - 9:14

Daily Report:
  • Body: Morning weight/180.5 lbs. Everything from my rib cage up is sore.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, solid
  • Nutrition: Quality, 5g Vit. C, 4g Fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 1 tall coffee
  • Notes: Haven't really played with Zercher squats much. These were rough on the arms. That was the main issue in the weight. I'm pretty disappointed in the thruster ladder. Thought I could have at least made 205#. I was pretty sore from yesterday and it was early so that may be part of it. The 2nd MetCon went well. The pullups were the tough part. First round of PU's were broken 15-10-5, 2nd round was 10-9-1-5-5

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011: Week 3, Workout 12

4:00 PM

500m row, easy/mobility
HSPU work, 30 kipped ~7:00

Strength Work:
AMRAP in 10:00 of:
No legged rope climbs
-5 total, 1 set done on 2 ropes

OTM for 15:00 of:
12 regular pushups, 180 total

Complete in 5:00
500m Row AFAP
Max rep pullups
1:29.5/51 pullups

10:00 lacrosse ball work on left shoulder/pec

Daily Report:
  • Body: Each hip at the joint in each cheek is pretty sore. Never had that happen from pistols. Everything else is good.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Quality, 5g Vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D, 4g Fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 1 tall coffee, 1 glass wine
  • Notes: Good training day all around. Today was the most HSPU's I've ever done at one go so I'm pretty happy about that. Rope climbs went about like I expected. My hands got smoked pretty quick. Pushups got tough towards the end. The row/pullup was really tough. Pullups were hard from the start. Did 10-10-5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2. My forearms were on fire afterwards. My shoulder felt tight after so I did some work on it PWO.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011: Week 3, Workout 11


Double Unders, mobility, 5:00 KB work/juggling
5:00 Strict MU work
-did negatives from the top to work on strength through the middle of the movement

Strength/Full Body:
Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

AMRAP in 15:00
5 Power Cleans, 135#
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
15 Double Unders

Total = 7 Rds.

1 mile run, 80% effort
Time - 7:54

Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders and chest are sore form the weighted ring dips on Friday.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: solid, 1 small cup coffee, 5g Vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D, 4g fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine
  • Notes: Almost 100% recovered from my illness. Have some residual congestion in my chest but other than that I'm great. Power snatch went well today. Missed 170# out front. This would have been a PR but I just couldn't stick it. The metcon was good too. It's been a while since I have worked on pistols. Towards the end I had to move to a scaled version with my foot behind my leg just to get them done and keep moving. 80% effort on the run should have been closer to 7.5 minutes according to the math. I will start figuring out efforts before hand. Fells good to get back after it after a few days rest.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011: Week 2, Workout 10

Active Recovery

light mobility for shoulders

Strength/Upper Body:
Weighted Ring Dips 3-3-3-1-1-1


Daily report
  • Body: Everything feels good minus some aches from being sick yesterday.
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, some grapefruit juice, couple beers
  • Sleep: 10 hrs solid
  • Notes: Just wanted to move a bit today and figured weighted ring dips won't be overly taxing or stressful given I still have some residual illness. Feel 100% better compared to yesterday though I may still have a slight fever since I can't stop sweating. I'm thinking there might be some correlation between swimming and sinus infections. It seems every time I get into a solid swimming routine a sinus and/or respiratory and/or ear infection happens.

Thursday, June 17, 2011: REST DAY

REST DAY (Unscheduled)

Daily Report
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: decent
  • Nutrition: solid
  • Notes: I had to take today off as I think I have developed a bit of a sinus/upper respiratory infection. I had a fever all day and buildup in both my head and chest. It started On Wed. but totally knocked me down today. Laid around all day and drank tons of water and am on the 2nd day of a Z-Pack.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011: Week 2, Workout 9

3:00 PM

400m run
5:00 HSPU work

Strength/Lower Body:
Hack Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1

For time:
50 Thrusters, 45#
40 DU's
30 KB swings, 53#
20 Overhead Lunges, 45#
10 Burpees

Time - 4:52

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011: Week 2, Workout 8

11:00 AM


Max distance underwater swim

1000m CSS, TT
Time - 18:16[PR]
500m Split = 9:05 / 9:11

Daily Report:
  • Body: Left shoulder still has a catch in the delt. Knees were a little sore this morning as well.
  • Sleep: 9.5 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Solid. 4g Vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D, 4g fish oil, 2g glutamine, 2g MSM, 1 cup coffee, no fruit, no nuts, no dairy, 1 + gal. water (finished first gallon by 2pm)
  • Notes: Swim felt good today. I thought the 2nd 500m was faster. Don't know if it's a PR but I am going to post it as so since its the fastest I have recorded in the last year.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011: Week 2, Workout 7

4:00 PM

800m run, weighted 20#
5:00 MU work - practiced negatives to work on deadhang
4 weighted rope climbs, 20#

Strength: Full Body
Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1
-Try +5lbs from last Monday's 165
**Did 1 full snatch at 170 after 2 consecutive misses at that weight.

Met-Con #1:
4 rounds for time of:
6 Deadlifts, 225#
12 Pushups
15 Box Jumps

Time - 3:22

MetCon #2:
For time:
1000m row
800m run

Time - 6:58

Daily Report:
  • Body: Neck is feeling kind of weird today. I must have slept on it wrong
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: solid, 1+ gal. of water, 4g fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g glutamine, 4g vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D. - been dosing high on the Vit. C & D the past few days b/c Bev has been sick.
  • Notes: Workout went well today. Practiced some weighted rope climbs and just as I suspected it is a little easier with the weight evenly distributed instead of all on your back in a ruck. Snatch went well, though I just couldn't get completely under the HPS at 170 without getting lower than 90 degrees on the snatch therefore negating the "power" position. Ended up doing 1 full snatch at 170 and it felt solid. MetCon 1 was fast and unbroken on all movements. MetCon 2 was awful. My mouth went dry near the 800m mark on the row. I made my goal of < 7:00 though. Good day all around.

Sunday, June 12, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: Everything is feeling pretty good.
  • Sleep: 6hrs, poor
  • Nutrition: crap + beer
  • Notes: Horse races, sisters b-day, Mav's game.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011: Week 1, Day 6

Active Recovery/CFE

5k run, 85% effort

Time - 22:37

Daily Report:
  • Body: Knees are a little sore from the squatting yesterday. Squats were kind of awkward in boots and pants.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: Good during the day, crap by the evening.
  • Notes: Felt pretty good on the run today. I hit the turn around at 10:52. I thought it felt overly easy to get to that point and when I turned around I realized the route was slightly downhill and the wind was at my back. From the turn to finish it was tough but felt good. Next 5k TT I will do on a track to get a legit time at 100% effort. I think at this point I can get a sub 20:00 time.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011: Week 1, Day 5

4:00 PM

500m row, easy

Strength: Upper Body
Weighted Ring Dips, 5-5-5-3-3-3

"The Chase"*
-In a 20# ruck sack, boots, and pants

For time:
800m Run
21 Thrusters 95#
21 Pullups
3 Rope Climbs
15 Thrusters
15 Pullups
2 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
9 Pullups
1 Rope Climb

Time - 25:37

10:00 Stretch

Daily Report
  • Body: I can still feel a little soreness in my quads at the bottom of a squat. Everything else is good to go.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, Paleo foods, some nuts, beer.
  • Notes: *"The Chase" was a workout I came up with for a cop buddy who needed to get some work done in what would be equivalent to his daily cop attire which includes a vest and a full load belt, pants, and boots. I would like to do a variant of this without the pullups and add in some prowler pushing after the rope climbs. This workout was tough. The rope climbs were the hardest part. I think the weight from the ruck pulling back as I was climbing was the issue. It might have been a little easier with a weight vest since it is somewhat evenly distributed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011: Week 1, Day 4

11:00 AM


A. Max distance underwater swim

B. OTM for 20:00, 50m free

C. 50m backstroke

Daily Report:
  • Body: Quads are still a little sore and so are my shoulders.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: Good. Had nuts, 1 glass of wine
  • Notes: Workout went well. The 50m's averaged around :50.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011: Week 1, Day 3

4:00 PM

A1. Row, easy
A2. Mobility/ROM

Strength: Lower Body
B. Hack Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3

C. 12-9-6-3
Power Cleans, 185#
Box Jumps, 30"

Time - 6:36

D. Stretch

Daily Report:
  • Body: Chest and shoulders are sore.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, poor
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, paleo foods, no fruit, 4g fish oil. PWO: 2g glutamine, 2g MSM
  • Notes: Haven't ever really played around with the hack squat. It got tough fast and form started to fail a little on the heavier weights. Got 315 up to my knees before the angle was too great and couldn't get it over my hamstrings. The point of the exercise is to maintain an upright position similar to a front squat or high bar back squat. The met-con got tough fast. The weight got heavy, but I felt good afterward.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011: Week 1, Day 2

10:30 AM:


A. 25m underwater swim x 2
B. 6 x 100m freestyle sprints, rest as needed
C. 50m backstroke

4:00 PM:

Physical Training:

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility/ROM

B. OTM for 21:00
10 Wide Pushups the 1st minute
10 Regular pushups the 2nd minute
10 Tricep pushups the 3rd minute
TOTAL = 210 pushups

C. 10x4 sets, GHD situps

Daily Report:
  • Body: Shouders are pretty tired/sore today. Quads are slightly sore.
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, 2 beers at happy hour, paleo foods, 4g fish oil, PWO: 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM, 1 gallon + of water.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs, quality
  • Notes: Originally planned to swim 10x100m sprints but I didn't want to overdo it on my shoulders since I have PT this afternoon. Pushps went well. Didn't really have to break. I originally planned to do this for 30:00 to make 300 pushups. I decided I didn't want to be incapacitated for tomorrow. Next time I do this I will go for 30:00.

Monday, June 6, 2011: Week 1, Day 1

3:30 PM


A1. 20 cal. row - :48
A2. Mobility
A3. HSPU work 5:00, 20 kipped

Strength/Full Body:
B. Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

C. For time:
50 pullups
50 KB Swings, 53# (American)
50 Double Unders
50 OHS, 95#

Time - 10:37

Daily Report:
  • Body: Everything feels great.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs decent. Watched the Mav's game the night before and had some beers, which usually makes me not sleep so well.
  • Nutrition: Solid
  • Notes: Missed the first attempt at 155 out front. Solid on the second. Made 165, which was a little shaky but matches my current 1RM PR. The met-con was tough. Hit the shoulders pretty hard. Broke the pullups in 30-10-6-4, KB Swings in 25-15-10, DU's unbroken, OHS 5 sets of 10. Wrists and quads were really feeling it in the OHS.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011 - Sunday, June 5, 2011


*New training cycle to start tomorrow.

  • Body: Everything is feeling good. Been working on the shoulder and stretching/rolling everything around it. Its feeling much better. Knee is doing well too.
  • Sleep: been decent the past few days.
  • Nutrition: Pretty solid in terms of food quality. Had a lot of nuts on Saturday and a couple beers during the day, glass of wine at night. Had a cup of coffee on Sunday.
  • Notes:
  • -Friday: 30:00 walk in the morning. Was supposed to do a workout but my buddy bailed on me so I held off for a couple more days rest.
  • -Saturday: Woke up at 4am to go fishing. Fished most of the day.
  • -Sunday: 30:00 walk upon waking. Did some discipline training during the day: made it a point to not sit down unless I had to (i.e. driving) from wake to 3pm. Went well, but its weird to do normal house things, like watch tv and eat, standing up.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Feeling good today. Biceps and elbows are a little tender to the touch.
  • Sleep: ~10hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: Day 4 of no caffeine: No ramifications from lack of it. It gets easier each time I stop drinking coffee. Paleo, meat & veggies, few handfuls of nuts, no fruit, no dairy, 1 gal. + of water.
  • Notes: Went on a 30-35 minute walk today after I woke up. Ready to get back to training.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders and arms are still sore, knee is a little twingy today.
  • Sleep: 10-11 hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: Clean foods, no coffee or dairy
  • Notes: Went for a 20:00 walk midday. It was warm out.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders and biceps are sore. Quads feel a little sore, but its faint. Might be worse tomorrow.
  • Sleep: ~7 hrs. non quality
  • Nutrition: lots of water and trying to do Paleo. No coffee or dairy today. Some fruit.
  • Notes: Got a deep tissue massage today from the past 4 weeks of training. She worked on my shoulders and legs focusing on my left shoulder and left leg IT. Gonna take the next 2 days off as well and hit one workout on Friday, then take Sat. and Sun. off and hit a new cycle next Monday. Should be sufficiently rested by then.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A1. 400m run, easy
A2. Light warmup

B. "Murph"
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run
-w/ a 20# weight vest

Time - 46:22 [PR]

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feel good from resting up the past 2 days. Still have a slight catch in my left shoulder.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs
  • Nutrition: Crap
  • Notes: This is the first time I have ever done Murph w/ a weight vest. It was tough. Pushups were the hard part as to be expected. Did the first run in 6:42 which may have been a bit fast but I was trying to keep up with the non weight vest pack. The last run was awful. The first 800m was slow going then I kicked it on for last 800m. Gym was crowded so I might could have gone faster between the pullups and pushups. There was a wait every so often though I wasn't complaining. Good workout.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

WEEK 4, WOD 20

7:00 AM

A. Mobility/ROM

B. Jerk, Heavy single

C. 5 rounds for time of:
10 man-makers, 35#
50 DU's

Time - 14:38

Daily Report:
  • Body: hip flexors are tight today from the ruck yesterday. Shoulders and traps are a little sore as well.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy, will be at the Byron Nelson today so will probably have some beer. 4g fish oil, 5g Vit. C
  • Notes: Jerks went ok this morning. I still think I have trouble hitting maximal weights in the morning. I've done 235 off the front and 245 off the back, just couldn't lock out 220 this morning. The metcon sucked. Man-makers are brutal. Combined with DU's this one was a shoulder smoker. I think I am ready for a couple days of rest.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

WEEK 4, WOD 19

Active Recovery Day

A1. ROM/Mobility
A2. CFWU x 1 @ 15 reps

B. Hike w/ 40# pack from gym to house
*distance = 5.2 miles
**Time - 1hr, 38min, 58sec

C. Stretch

Daily Report:
  • Body: I've got some soreness in my shoulders from back squats yesterday. Little soreness in my lower back from the Sumo DL's as well. Everything else is feeling good.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs.
  • Nutrition: Paleo + a little dairy during day then some junk at dinner (PWO), 5g Vit. C, 4g fish oil, 2g MSM
  • Notes: Checked this distance of this out after the fact. I thought it was at least 6 miles. Guess I was walking a little slower than I thought. Not overly tough, though my traps and upper back started to get really sore towards the end.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 4, WOD 18

10:15 AM:


A1. 2 x 25m underwater swim, rest 1:00
B1. 5 x 100m CSS @ 3:00, average was 1:34/100m
B2. 5 x 50m CSS @ 1:30, average was :44/50m
B3. 10 x 25m free @ :30, average was :19/25m

4:00 PM:

A1. 500m row warmup, easy
A2. Mobility/ROM
A3. Light power cleans & back squats

B. Back Squat, 1-1-1

C. For time:

800m run
21 - SumoDL, 225#/Box jump 24"/incline pushups (off box)
400m run
15 - SumoDL/BJ/IPU
800m Run
9 - SumoDL/BJ/IPU
400m run

Time - 15:38

Daily Report:
  • Body: left shoulder is a little tight today, but everything else feels good.
  • Sleep: ~10hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy. had some coffee with a dash of heavy cream this morning. 5g Vit. C, 4g fish oil.
  • Notes: Swim went well this morning. This was one my go-to's from a while ago and one of my favorites. I used it a lot when I was trying to decrease my 500m CSS time. Second half of day went well. Had a 1 RM PR on Back Squat. I knew I could get 315 seeing how 300 is a 3RM. The metcon was fun. The runs, especially the second 800m were awful. Every movement was unbroken so the entire workout could've been faster had I not sucked it up on the runs. Good day all around.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Training Shift on June 6, 2011

I am going to see the current cycle I'm on through to next week. I have 3 more days of workouts (W/TH/F) which will make it 4 weeks on hard, and 2 days off (Sat/Sun), then Murph on Monday with 3 days rest (T/W/TH) then a hard workout on Friday (basically a staggered rest week), then 2 more days off (Sat/Sun). After that I think I am going to pick up this schedule:

Monday: Full body lift + metcon
Tuesday: Swim + PT
Wednesday: Lower body lift + metcon
Thursday: Swim + CFE run (short distance option)
Friday: Upper body lift + metcon
Saturday (optional depending on how I feel): CFE run (mid-long distance option)+ PT

I think I will roll with this schedule for 4-6 weeks starting June 6th and see how it goes.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 4, WOD 17

Early AM

A1. Mobility/ROM
A2. 800m run, easy

B. For time:

OHS, 95#

Time - 5:03

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feeling good today, but everything is a bit tired. Abs are sore from GHD situps yesterday and situps the day before.
  • Sleep: Not good. 5-6 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + Dairy, 2g fish oil, 2g MSM, 5g Vit. C
  • Notes: I think it's getting close to a rest week. I also need to cut out the coffee and dairy. I'm holding onto some fat around the mid section right now, so I don't know if that is a sign of over reaching, poor nutrition, lack of sleep or a combination of everything. I'm going to try no coffee/dairy first to reduce that stressor as I have a feeling this may be the main culprit. I've had more booze in my diet lately too. So in lieu of all this I took it easy today. Was going to swim as well but the pool had a delayed opening due to a meet that I was unaware of so no swimming today. Had to break the OHS's on the 15 set. Felt really slow today. Going to rest up the rest of the day and see how I feel tomorrow.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

WEEK 4, WOD 16


A1. 800m run, easy/ROM
A2. 21-15-9, wall ball, pushups, DU's

B. Thruster, 3RM

C. For time:
15 Thrusters, 80% 3RM - 135
100 KB Swings, 53#
800m Farmers carry, 53# each
Time - 20:55

D. 50 Situps, abmat, 50 Back extensions


A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility

B. 5k, easy pace
Time - 24:29

C. 5 rds:
10 GHD situps
10 Back Ext.

Daily Report:
  • Body: Feels a little tired today but real soreness. Hands are tender from pullups.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs in bed but slept off and on
  • Nutrition: Paleo, 5g Vit. C, 4g Fish oil, 2g MSM
  • Notes: AM workout went well. It's hard to lift in the mornings since I have spent so much time lifting in the afternoons. The 3RM is a PR since I have never done that before that I know of. The KB Swings were tough today considering the pullups from yesterday. Broke them up in 25's and the last set in 15 & 10. The FC was rough. My forearms were on fire. The 5k was tough even though it was supposed to be "easy". The wind was really ripping hard today and i ran 1/2 the course that I did for the 10k last week. Very hilly and rough.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

WEEK 4, Workout 15

A1. 500m row, easy

A2. Mobility/ROM

B. Deck of Cards workout:

Hearts = Pullups
Diamonds = Situps
Spades = True Pushups
Clubs = Double Unders
Jokers = 400m run

J = 11, Q= 12, K = 13, A = 14

*Layed all cards out and did the workout for time - 22:34

Daily Report:
  • Body: No soreness, everything feels good
  • Sleep: 10-11hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: I liked this body weight workout. I felt really good afterward as well. No problems during other than a piece when I had to do 24 pullups together, so I had to break them. Wasn't winded afterward either.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Feel really good today. No soreness from yesterday and my knee feels good too. Legs are a little tired.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs
  • Nutrition: Ok, some beer.
  • Notes: Didn't have time to get anything done today. Went to E. Texas early and got back late.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

WEEK 3, DAY 14

9:00 AM:

A. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility, ROM

B. Deadlift 10-8-6-4-3-3-3

C. Strict Pullups, 10-8-6-4-2


A1. 25m underwater warmup
A2. 1000m CSS

Time -19:36
B. 100m CSS sprint
C. 50m CSS sprint, :39[PR]
D. 25m underwater
E. Drown proofing drills at 10' and 12'

4:30 PM

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility + Light Clean & Jerks

B. "Abbate"

For time:
1 mile run
21 C&J - 155#
800m run
21 C&J - 155#
1 mile run

Time - 32:55

Daily Report:

  • Body: Feel good today. No pain in the knee today. I watched this video on MobilityWOD and it seemed to help. Traps are slightly sore from the Hang Power Snatches yesterday. Chest is kinda sore as well.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: Deadlifts absolutely sucked today. Tried them at 9:00am. I'm either tired, worn out, or something. I could barely get 335 off the ground. Might need to have a pull back week next week, or it was just too early to pull some heavy weight. I will make that decision after "Abbate" this afternoon. Swim was strong today. I have never swam a 50m CSS faster than :42 so I'm pretty happy about today's PR. My stroke felt really strong and I was gliding really smooth through the water.
  • PM - Abbate was TOUGH. One of the harder one's I have ever done. The C&J's were overly heavy. First run was 6:40, on the bar right around 7, 800m at 14:00, back at 18:00. This run was really hard considering it was uphill for the first half. Finished the next set off C&J's at 25:00 then finished up at 32:55. The first 400m of the last mile was awful. I never stopped though.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

WEEK 3, DAY 13

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. General Warmup

B. 5 rounds for time of:

7 Hang power snatch, 95#
15 True Pushups*

Time - 4:42

C. Practiced Clean & Jerks @ 155# for tomorrow

Daily Report:

  • Body: Feel good today.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: *True Pushups - lift hands off the ground in the bottom of the pushup. Nice quick workout. I was supposed to swim but time got away so I did this one. I flew through the first 3 rounds and then the pushups got overly hard on the last 2 sets. All HPS's were unbroken. Tomorrow is "Abbate" so I practiced some C&J's to get a feel for the weight. It's gonna be brutal.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WEEK 3, Day 12

Early Afternoon:

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. General Warmup

B. Overhead Squat, 1RM

C. 100 Power Snatch, 75#
Time - 7:43


A. 3 rounds NFT of:
3 OHS, 80% - 180#
10 Body blasters
50m bar carry, 180#

B. 1.5 mile run @ moderate pace
Time - 10:21

C. Stretch

*I'm going to swipe Shane's method of daily reporting:

Daily Report:
  • Body: Knee was a bit sore during workout then really felt bad later in the evening. Stretching really helped. Shoulders are a bit sore from OH lunges the other day.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs
  • Nutrition: Paleo + dairy
  • Notes: Overhead squats felt good considering I haven't really done them heavy since the knee injury. I'm happy that I matched my previous PR. I probably could have done 230# but I will give that a go next time. I had already hit too many heavy's by 225#. Power Snatches were tough. I couldn't keep up with my current "Randy" time. Just felt really winded during. The 3 rounds NFT was supposed to be 5 rounds but the OHS's were giving me a struggle so i dropped it to 3 rounds. 1.5 mile run felt good. My feet started burning towards the end though.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



Monday, May 16, 2011

WEEK 3, Day 11


A1. 500m Row, easy
A2. General warmup/ROM/Mobility

B. 5 rounds for time of:
15 OHS, 95#
10 Deadhang pullups
400m Run

Time - 20:35

-1000m CSS, 80% effort - 19:02
-3 x 100m CSS @ 2:00 intervals

D. 10 x 100m sprints @ :15 rest


A2. General warmup

B. Bench Press, 1 RM

C. Not for time:
20 Bench press @ 80% 1 RM - 155#
100m OH walking lunge, 45# bar
1500m Row

D1. 100 4-ct flutter kicks, 50 straight legged situps
D2. Stretch

Tomorrow is a rest day, so I hit it hard today. Everything felt good today. The Dh's pullups were tough due to the OHS's. Good day of training.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Feeling pretty good today considering yesterday and 210 reps each of burpees and KB swings. My hamstrings are tight and slightly sore but thats really it. Knee feels good as well. Will eat well and rest up for the week today.

Saturday, May 15, 2011

A1. 800m run
A2. General Warmup

B. For time
20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, KB Swngs, 70#
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20, Burpees

Time - 26:42

C1. 800m Cool down
C2. Stretch

This was a tough but kinda fun workout. Used the Russian swing. My back started to get tight by the 16's and the burpees were like a rest until the 15's. After that they got really brutal. Saved a little in the tank to finish strong on the last 20 burpees.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011


A1. 500m Row, easy

A2. Mobility & light C&J's

B. Clean & Jerk 1-1-1
205 - 215[F] - 215

C. 5 rounds not timed,
3 C&J, 80% - 175#
15 KB Swings, 53#
50m Farmers Carry, 70#

D. Swim:
5 x 250m free, rest as needed

Clean & Jerks felt heavy today. I tried to power jerk everything but once I got to 205 I missed the Jerk. I PC'd the bar and re-jerked in the split. Missed the jerk out front on the first set of 215#, and nailed it solid on the second set. No PR's by any means, but a good day. Swim was supposed to be done CSS but the pool was crowded and I had to share a lane so I switched it to freestyle. Average pace on each 250m was around 4:20 May do "Barbara" this afternoon.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A1. 500m Row, easy
A2. ROM & mobility

B. 10k run, moderate pace (80% effort)
Time - 55:35

C. Stretch

Absolutely horrible route that I chose for this one. Lots of rolling hills, so I guess it was good to get some work in that way. I had to walk a few times because my legs just couldn't handle it anymore. Lungs weren't a problem, just muscular endurance. Pace was 9:06/mile which all-in-all isn't that bad for having to be an 80% effort.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A1. Foam roll/Mobility
A2. 400m Run
A3. BB Complex 75-105#
-clean -> thruster -> back squat thruster

B. For time:

800m Run
7 Rounds of:
10 Thrusters, 95#
10 burpees
800n Run

Time - 22:--

D. Cool Down:
50 GHD Situps
50 Back Extensions

Tough workout today. Felt pretty sluggish on everything. All thrusters were unbroken which is a plus. Broke the situps and extensions up in 5 sets of 10 each.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday, April 9, 2011


A. OTM for 20:00 of

1 Deadlift, 205# + 2 pushups
-add 1 DL and 2 pushups each minute until I can't complete the round then restart at 1 DL + 2 PU's
Ladder Climbs: 1-9, 1-8, 1-3

B. 1600m Swim intervals:

3 x 200m free, rest as needed
2 x 100m free, on 2:00
3 x 100m free, on 3:00
10 x 50m CSS, OTM for 10:00


A1. 500m row easy
A2. Mobility warmup & 3 rounds, 20 Wall balls, 20 DU's
A3. Light Cleans

B. Clean 8-6-4-3-2-1-1

C. 5 rounds not for time
3 Cleans at 80% 1 RM - 180#
20 KB swings, 53#
50m farmers carry, 70#

D. 10 x 100m sprints, :20 rest

E. 3 x 1:00 plank holds, 1:00 rest

Long day of training. Feel good at the end of the day. Swims went well today. Freestyle was overly slow though. I was hitting 50m about the same time I would a CSS 50m sprint. Cleans felt solid today even though I haven't front squatted since the knee injury. Just couldn't get out of the hole on the miss at 225 for the first attempt. Had good energy otherwise all day. Will try to get some rest tonight and a nice big dinner with plenty of protein and veggies.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rest Day

I'm feeling really good today. I think the stretching and fish oil PWO has really been paying off. Not to mention I like this way of training much better. It just suits me. Longer workouts and some endurance work with strength here and there was how I used to train and that's when my capacity to do work was the greatest. I'm going to stick it out for a while, with a "pull back" week every 5-6 weeks depending on how I feel.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A. Mobility warmup

B. "The Chief"

5 rounds of:

AMRAP in 3:00
3 Power Cleans, 135#
6 Pushups
9 Squats
Rest 1:00

Total = 6-6-5-5-6

One of my favorites. It's not a PR but its the same amount of rounds as I got last time I did this in October. The rounds for that go were 7-6-5-5-5. The squats get really tough towards the end.

4g fish oil

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011



30:00 TT for distance
1600m at 30:36[PR]


A2. 800m run

B. Back Squat

C. 5 rounds, not timed:

3 x BS @ 90% 3RM,
10 x weighted step-ups (2 x 35# DB), 20" box
6 x Sprint Starts

D. Tabata - 8 rounds of each exercise in order:

Row (Calories)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011


-Rolled out and stretched

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



2 x 20 pushups, 20 situps, 6 pullups
2 x 10 pushups, 10 situps, 3 pullups

2 x 500m CSS @ 5:00 rest, 90% effort
1. 9:04
2. 9:22


A1. 500m row, easy

A2. Barbell warmup to 135#

B. "Hammer"

5 rounds for time of:

5 Power Cleans, 135#
10 Front Squats
5 Push Jerks
20 Pullups
Rest :90

Time - 17:57

C. 1 mile walk/jog with 50# weight vest

"Hammer" was a tough workout. I'm gonna rank it as one of my favorites. Good mix of movements, and I rocked through it pretty good. 1st round was unbroken, the rest were done w/ 4 PC's, 1 PC + 8 FS, 2 FS + 5 Jerks. 2nd round of pullups were 12/8, the 3rd round was 10/10 and the next rounds were 10/5/5. Splits per round were:
0:00 - 1:42
3:12 - 5:24
6:54 - 9:48
11:18 - 14:01
15:31 - 17:57
-1 mile weight vest walk left my traps screaming. Other than that it wasn't that bad. Good training day.

4g fish oil, 1 tab NUUN, 2g MSM

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A1. ROM Drills
A2. Progression of back squat, front squat and c & j:
5 x each w/ 45 bar, then 95#, then 135#

B. For time:
800 m run
30 x jumping lunges
30 x push ups
30 x sit ups
800 m run

25 x Chest to Bar pull ups
200 m overhead walking lunge w/ pvc pipe
25 x Burpees
800 m run

20 x back squats (135/95# clean/press to rack position- no rack)
5 x front squats (same load)
20 x Power clean & jerk (same load)

Time -36:--

C1. 3 x 1 minute plank holds.
C2. Active Stretch

Had to do only 5 FS due to my knee. Started to hurt, then felt better after the PC&J's. Good sweat on this one. Need to get better at planks. I was really shaky on those.

4g fish oil, 16oz. club soda

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011



A2. 3 rds of warmup:
10 CTB Pullups
10 Pushups, strict CTG
10 Wall Ball, 20#

B. Push Press, 1RM


C. Not for time:

15 PP @ 85% 1RM - 165 (no rack)
70 KB snatch, 53#
10 x 20yd. shuttle

D1. 1.5 Mile time trial - 10:16
D2. 100 Leg Levers

D3. Stretch

I'm a little run down from the weekend, so the workout was kinda slow go. The 1.5 mile run felt good though I had to run the last 1200m with a solid stitch in the side. Probably could've done better on the PP if it was later on in the week.

4g Fish oil

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A. light warmup and double unders

B. Rowing Intervals

4 x 500m row, rest 2:00 @ 80% RPE

1) 1:43.0
2) 1:43.9
3) 1:44.7
4) 1:43.6

Just wanted to break a sweat today and loosen up a bit for the CF Sectionals WOD 6 tomorrow.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A1. 1 mile warmup run, easy
A2. General Warmup

B. Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-1-1-1

C. Deadlift 5x1, +5

D. "Christine"

3 rounds for time of:
500m row
12 Deadlifts, BW (190)
21 Box Jumps, 20"

Time - 8:43[PR]

Missed the first 225 HPC bc I didn't land it on my shoulders. Deadlifts felt strong and looked decent. Probably could go faster on the WOD if I would've rowed harder.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

5 Rounds for time of:

400m Run
20 Sumo Deadlifts, 155#

Time - 11:40

Decent workout. Runs got tough towards the end. Deadlifts were tough on the last round. Lower back got tight as well.

Electrolytes + 2g MSM, 4g Fish oil

Friday, April 22, 2011

A. CF Sectionals WOD #5, only attempt

AMRAP in 20:00 of:

5 Power Cleans, 145#
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall Balls, 20#

TOTAL - 9 rounds + 5 PC's + 7 T2B

I absolutely hate 20:00 AMRAP's. I have established that body weight movements seem to be the tough ones for me. I did pretty well up until my left hand ripped at about the 15:00 mark. Went into this one with a pacing plan and stuck with it until the rip. Pull and drop on each PC, 5 then 5 on the T2B's, and unbroken wall balls. Got through 6 rounds by 10:00. Post rip I had to start doing the T2B's in 5's then 3's, 2's, 1's...about 3 rounds. I am pretty happy with all the wall balls being unbroken. The power cleans never felt heavy either. This one would have been better suited as a 10:00 AMRAP whereas last weeks could have been a 20:00 AMRAP.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

AM Swim:

25m underwater warmup
25m breast stroke warmup

1000m CSS, easy

Time - 19:55

Just wanted to get back in the pool today. Since I haven't been in a while I took it easy. 9:59 on the first 500m. Never felt tired or out of breath the entire time. Good day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A. 1000m Row, easy

B. Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

C. AMRAP in 20:00 of:
20 KB Swings, 53#
400m Run

Total = 7 rounds + 4 swings

Snatches were tough today. Knees were a little cranky, probably due to the weekend. Felt weighed down today. Weighed in at 191.

1 scoop SFHPWO, 2g glutamine, 2g MSM, 4g FIsh oil 1 hr later

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A. Jump rope warmup and DROM

B. Deadlift 10-8-5-3-3-3, rest 2:00

C. For time:
40 Double Unders
20 DB power clean & jerk, 45#
40 Double Unders
10 DBPC & Jerk
40 Double unders
5 DBPC & jerk
40 Double unders

Time - 8:43

Deadlifts felt good today. The rest was slim causing the weight to be less than I could actually do. I attempted 375 on the last set but couldn't move it so I did 355 again. Rested 5:00 until the metcon. This was a good one. Broken DU's on the first 2 sets, unbroken on the last 2. Had to break the PC & jerks at 10 and 10 on the 1st set, 5 and 5 on the 2nd and did all 5 on the 3rd.

Workout Nutrition:
SFH PWO 1 scoop, SFH fortified 1 scoop,(38g total protein) 2g glutamine, 5g BCAAs, 2g MSM
4g fish oil, 1.5 hrs later

Friday, April 15, 2011

A. CF Sectionals WOD #4, only attempt

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
60 bar facing burpees
30 OHS, 120#
10 Muscle-ups

TOTAL - 60 + 30 + 0 (90 points)

This one was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Got through the burpees in 4:00 no problem. Then the wheels came off. The OHS's were broken all over the place and felt extremely heavy. Took me 4.5 minutes to complete these. Got to the MU's at 8:30 but my shoulders, forearms, and biceps were fried and the 3 attempts I had yielded no results.

Workout Nutrition:
PreWO - 8oz can sugar free Red Bull
SFH PWO, 1 scoop + 1g glutamine + 2g MSM, 4g fish oil 30:00 later

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A. 10 Rounds not for time:
10 Pushups
1 Rope Climb

B. 12 rounds of:
1:00, max distance run
:30 Rest

Runs got hard towards the end. Was uphill/downhill alternating for entire workout.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

A1. 800m run, easy
A2. Mobility

B. Overhead Squat
1 x max rep @ BW - 5
2 x max rep @ 165 - 6, 7

C. Deadlift 5x1 +5

D. 10:00 HSPU work
-piked off a 24" box, 2x12"box for full ROM 1 abmat

E. For time:
400m Row
5 HPC, 135#
300m Row
10 HPC
200m Row
15 HPC
100m Row
20 HPC

Time - 7:30

*Light soreness in quads from C&J's yesterday.
Overhead squats went well today. Issue was in the wrists. They would start to scream on the last rep or so. Deadlifts felt strong and are only getting better. The weight moved up easy anf form was solid. Tried a different method on the HSPU's so that I could get full ROM work instead of negs. Seemed to be a good transition. Will do more of these in the future. Goal right now is 10:00 of work daily M-F or throwing them into my warmup. Was supposed to do a MU and rope climb workout but after 1 MU I couldn't land another one...Frustrating. So I did the rowing/HPC workout instead. This one went well as they are strengths of mine. Only the last round of HPC's were broken: 10,5,5. Overall a good day of training.

Workout Nutrition:
Pre - 5g BCAAs, 1g Glutamine
PWO - 5g BCAAs 2g Glutamine, 1 scoop SFH PWO + Fortified, 2g MSM
1 hour later - 4g fish oil

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A. CF Sectionals WOD #3, attempt 2

AMRAP in 5:00 of:

Clean and Jerk, 165#

Total 22 rounds + 1 clean, 45 reps total

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

A. Light warmup

B. "Double Under Helen"

3 rounds for time of:

50 Double Unders
21 KB Swings, 53#
12 Pullups

Time - 5:42

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

CF Sectionals WOD #3, Attempt 1

AMRAP in 5:00 of

Clean & Jerk, 165

Total = 20 reps + 1 Clean

This was tougher than I thought it would be. I don't think I was really into it at the time. I can get 25-30 reps at another go. Will try again on Sunday.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Active Rest Day

A. CFWU x 3
10 OHS w/ PVC
10 GHD Situps
10 Back Ext.
10 Pullups, strict
10 Pushups

B. 1:00 hard / 1:00 easy row for 10:00
-rowed hard at 30+ spm
-rowed easy at 20 spm
Total distance = 2355m

Easy day, wanted to break a sweat. Resting up for the next sectionals WOD.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. General warmup
A3. 10:00 HSPU work

B. Snatch 155 x 1 x 4
F2, made the rest

C. Clean & Jerk, 205 x 1 x 4
Made all

D. Back Squat (high bar), 3x3

E. Pullups, 10x3 regular grip

F. 10x3 hanging leg raise

Good day of training. This is the first time I have high bar back squatted since I hurt my knee. I took it easy today. They felt good. Pullups are getting better. C&J's were solid.

Workout Nutrition:
5g BCAAs, 1g glutamine
PWO: 5g BCAAs, 3g Glutamine, 2g MSM, 2g fish oil, venison steak (6-7oz.), steamed veggies

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Played around outside:

3 jogs around the school
3 sets of 10 pullups varied: regular, reverse, mountain climber
1 set of 6 pullups, regular
3 sets of 10 dips

Just wanted to get out and do something to break a sweat and move.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A. Snatch 80%x1x6

B. Clean & Jerk 80%x1x5

C. 3 rounds of:
10 GHD situps
10 weighted back ext, 45#

D. 5x100m row sprints, rest :30

This is the first time that I have snatched and clean in a full squat since the knee injury. Felt strong today and no pain at all in my knee.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A. CF Sectionals WOD #2, Attempt 2

AMRAP in 15:00 of:

9 Deadlifts, 155#
12 Pushups
15 Box Jumps

Total - 10 rounds, 9 DL's, 4 PU's

Came out of the gate a little slower this go round which allowed me to get almost a full round more. Played around with my hand position as well. DL's and box jumps were unbroken.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Light warmup
-mobility, DROM, light snatches and power cleans

B. CF Sectionals WOD #2, Attempt 1

AMRAP in 15:00 of:

9 Deadlifts, 155#
12 Pushups, hands off ground
15 Box Jumps, 24"

TOTAL - 9 RDS + 9 DL's + 12 Pushups

After seeing this posted last night I knew the problem would be the pushups. I have been working on them but they are still a weak spot of mine. Didn't really have an issue until about the 6th round. Fatigue on the pushups was my limiting factor. Had plenty left in the tank endurance wise. This is disappointing. The deadlifts and box jumps were all unbroken. Had the pushups been better I could've gotten ~12 rounds. I will try this again on Friday. I can get 10 rounds + on the next go.

Workout Nutrition:
PreWO: Guayaki shot, 5g BCAAs, 1g glutamine (30:00 prior)
PWO: 1 scoop SFHPWO, 5g BCAAs, 3g glutamine, 2g MSM, 1g fish oil (immediately after)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


-Resting up for the CF Sectionals WOD #2 tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 29, 2011

A. 500m row warmup, easy
A2. Mobility + DROM

B. Press 5x3

C. Back Squat, max rep at 300#
-3.5 reps

D. Deadlift, 5x1 +5

E. 10:00 HSPU work

*Shoulders are pretty tired from last couple of days so pressing was a chore today.
**Form still looking solid although 345 felt overly heavy today.
-Back squat was disappointing as I thought I could get 5 reps.
With the sectionals going on right now my training has been garbage and not what I need to do. Too busy worrying about the main workout for the week to focus on anything else at the expense of fatigue or soreness. Guess that's the way it's going to be for the next few weeks.

5g BCAAs, 1g glutamine
1 tin sardines, 5g BCAAs, 3g glutamine, 2g MSM, 2g fish oil

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A. CF Sectionals WOD #1, attempt 4

AMRAP in 10:00 of:

30 DU's
15 Ground to overhead, 75#

Total Rounds: 7 + 30 DU's

Totally over this workout but finally managed to squeeze out 7.5 rounds. It was tough. Got to the DU's with just over :30 left. They were pretty sloppy. Had I got through them unbroken I might could have gotten a couple snatches. Moved me up in the Regional standings to the mid 30's.

Workout Nutrition notes:
Same as yesterday,
PreWO: Guayaki yerba mate energy shot
PWO: 1 scoop SFHPWO, 5g BCAAs, 3g Glutamine, just under 1 cup sweet potato puree

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Saturday, March 27, 2011

A. CF Sectionals WOD #1, attempt 3

AMRAP in 10:00 of:

30 DU's
15 Ground to overhead, 75#

Total Rounds: 7

Went to CF Strong for this one to be in a big group of people and see if I could squeeze out a few reps. I managed my time well and did not rest as much as last time. I got hosed by my judge. She could not correctly count DU's and was off by 4-5 reps each round. I will redo this one last time on Sunday b/c I know I can squeeze out 30 Double Unders in the 7th round.

Workout Nutrition notes:
PreWO: Guayaki yerba mate energy shot
PWO: 1 scoop SFHPWO, 5g BCAAs, 3g Glutamine, just under 1 cup sweet potato puree