Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011: Week 4, Workout 19

5:30 PM

general mobility
10 x 3 good mornings, 45#
light DL's and some box jumps

Deadlifts, 60% - 255
Box jumps, 30"

Time - 5:34

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011: Week 4, Workout 18

7:15 AM

500m row, easy
light snatch drills
light zercher squats

Strength/Lower Body:
Zercher Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1

Thrusters, 95#
Pullups (butterfly)

Time - 3:38

10:00 shoulder work with lacrosse ball

Daily Report:
  • Body: Everything feels good. Did some pre-"Fran" shoulder work
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, decent - had some indigestion early this morning from yesterday
  • Nutrition: Fasted up through workout. PWO: ~1 cup venison chili, fruit/veggie juice box, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine.
  • Notes: Zercher squats are still a tough movement. 255 is more than I have ever done on a front squat which is good considering its darn near the same movement. Fran went well considering. I think the strength work before caused me some problems due to the loading on my biceps and forearms. I was on pace for a sub-3:00 but the last round of 9's gave me some trouble. Everything was unbroken through then. I got to 5 thrusters on the set of 9 and had to really push to get the next 4. I then had to break the pullups 3 times. Had I been able to go straight through both it would have been sub 3:00 which would be a huge PR. I'm still happy with the result, though next time I will attempt "Fran" by itself to shoot for the evasive sub 3:00 time.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011: Week 4, Workout 17

4:00 PM

light mobility
10 x long distance box jumps w/ soft landing (6')
5 x one leg box jump (each leg)

Workout/Body weight metcon:
For time:
1000m run
1000m row

Time - 13:41

Daily Report:
  • Body: left shoulder is sore in the delt from snatches yesterday. Lower back is also slightly sore as well.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: crap - bday today so I ate whatever. Gluten free pizza at lunch, mozzarella and tomato salad, dessert, couple beers at dinner.
  • Notes: Today is a milestone for workouts. It's the first time I've done legit HSPU's in a workout. They were all kipped but were full ground to lockout w/ 1 abmat for cushion. 1000m run was 3:41 w/ the 1000m row around 3:30 or so.

Monday, June 27, 2011: Week 4, Workout 16

*This will be the final week of current program. I'm going to hit a 5 week strength program w/ an Olympic focus starting next Monday. Details will be posted on Sunday.

9:00 AM

700m row, easy
2x through:
10 GHD situps
10 Back Ext
5 Box Jumps, step down, 30"
10 Hand release pushups
snatch drills w/ bar

Strength/Full Body:
Snatch, 1RM
135-155-165-170[F]-170-175-180-185[F] x 2

AMRAP in 10:00 of:
250m row
1 no-legged rope climb

Total = 5 rds.

Daily Report:
  • Body: Adductors are still sore from sprints. My back is still sore from DL's on Friday. Need to reset to work on better back form.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, reasonable
  • Nutrition: decent
  • Notes: I'm back up to my current 1RM on snatch which I'm pretty pumped about. It looked and felt solid as well. I got under 185 both times but could not lock it out. The metcon wasn't really a breather. All the pulling led to tough rope climbs.

Sunday, June 26, 2011: Rest Day


Daily Report:
  • Notes: Adductors and hamstrings are sore from sprints

Saturday, June 25, 2011: Week 3, Workout 15

10:00 AM

500m Row, easy

6 x 200m sprint AFAP, rest 2:00

Daily Report:
  • Notes: These were tough. The first 2 were the best with the last 2 starting as a sprint and ending in more of a fast jog. Need work on sprints

Friday, June 24, 2011: Week 3, Workout 14

7:15 AM

500m Row, easy
light mobility

Strength A/Upper Body:
Press 5-5-5-3-3-3

Strength B/Full Body:
Deadlift single, 90% of 1RM
warmup: 225-315-345
single: 380

For time:
10 to 1 Overhead squat, 95#
1 to 10 Burpees

Time - 10:25

Cool down:
4 rounds of:
10 GHD situps
10 Back Ext.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011: Week 3, Workout 13

8:00 AM

400m run, easy/mobility
CFWU x 3 minus pullups

Strength/Lower Body:
Zercher Squats 5-5-5-3-3-3

MetCon #1: (CF Regional WOD 2)
On every :30, as high as possible 1 Clean to thruster, starting at 155

MetCon #2:
2 rds for time of:
40 Air Squats
30 Pullups
20 DB Push Press, 40#

Time - 9:14

Daily Report:
  • Body: Morning weight/180.5 lbs. Everything from my rib cage up is sore.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, solid
  • Nutrition: Quality, 5g Vit. C, 4g Fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 1 tall coffee
  • Notes: Haven't really played with Zercher squats much. These were rough on the arms. That was the main issue in the weight. I'm pretty disappointed in the thruster ladder. Thought I could have at least made 205#. I was pretty sore from yesterday and it was early so that may be part of it. The 2nd MetCon went well. The pullups were the tough part. First round of PU's were broken 15-10-5, 2nd round was 10-9-1-5-5

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011: Week 3, Workout 12

4:00 PM

500m row, easy/mobility
HSPU work, 30 kipped ~7:00

Strength Work:
AMRAP in 10:00 of:
No legged rope climbs
-5 total, 1 set done on 2 ropes

OTM for 15:00 of:
12 regular pushups, 180 total

Complete in 5:00
500m Row AFAP
Max rep pullups
1:29.5/51 pullups

10:00 lacrosse ball work on left shoulder/pec

Daily Report:
  • Body: Each hip at the joint in each cheek is pretty sore. Never had that happen from pistols. Everything else is good.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Quality, 5g Vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D, 4g Fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine, 1 tall coffee, 1 glass wine
  • Notes: Good training day all around. Today was the most HSPU's I've ever done at one go so I'm pretty happy about that. Rope climbs went about like I expected. My hands got smoked pretty quick. Pushups got tough towards the end. The row/pullup was really tough. Pullups were hard from the start. Did 10-10-5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2. My forearms were on fire afterwards. My shoulder felt tight after so I did some work on it PWO.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011: Week 3, Workout 11


Double Unders, mobility, 5:00 KB work/juggling
5:00 Strict MU work
-did negatives from the top to work on strength through the middle of the movement

Strength/Full Body:
Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

AMRAP in 15:00
5 Power Cleans, 135#
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
15 Double Unders

Total = 7 Rds.

1 mile run, 80% effort
Time - 7:54

Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders and chest are sore form the weighted ring dips on Friday.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: solid, 1 small cup coffee, 5g Vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D, 4g fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g Glutamine
  • Notes: Almost 100% recovered from my illness. Have some residual congestion in my chest but other than that I'm great. Power snatch went well today. Missed 170# out front. This would have been a PR but I just couldn't stick it. The metcon was good too. It's been a while since I have worked on pistols. Towards the end I had to move to a scaled version with my foot behind my leg just to get them done and keep moving. 80% effort on the run should have been closer to 7.5 minutes according to the math. I will start figuring out efforts before hand. Fells good to get back after it after a few days rest.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011: Week 2, Workout 10

Active Recovery

light mobility for shoulders

Strength/Upper Body:
Weighted Ring Dips 3-3-3-1-1-1


Daily report
  • Body: Everything feels good minus some aches from being sick yesterday.
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, some grapefruit juice, couple beers
  • Sleep: 10 hrs solid
  • Notes: Just wanted to move a bit today and figured weighted ring dips won't be overly taxing or stressful given I still have some residual illness. Feel 100% better compared to yesterday though I may still have a slight fever since I can't stop sweating. I'm thinking there might be some correlation between swimming and sinus infections. It seems every time I get into a solid swimming routine a sinus and/or respiratory and/or ear infection happens.

Thursday, June 17, 2011: REST DAY

REST DAY (Unscheduled)

Daily Report
  • Body: good
  • Sleep: decent
  • Nutrition: solid
  • Notes: I had to take today off as I think I have developed a bit of a sinus/upper respiratory infection. I had a fever all day and buildup in both my head and chest. It started On Wed. but totally knocked me down today. Laid around all day and drank tons of water and am on the 2nd day of a Z-Pack.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011: Week 2, Workout 9

3:00 PM

400m run
5:00 HSPU work

Strength/Lower Body:
Hack Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1

For time:
50 Thrusters, 45#
40 DU's
30 KB swings, 53#
20 Overhead Lunges, 45#
10 Burpees

Time - 4:52

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011: Week 2, Workout 8

11:00 AM


Max distance underwater swim

1000m CSS, TT
Time - 18:16[PR]
500m Split = 9:05 / 9:11

Daily Report:
  • Body: Left shoulder still has a catch in the delt. Knees were a little sore this morning as well.
  • Sleep: 9.5 hrs, good
  • Nutrition: Solid. 4g Vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D, 4g fish oil, 2g glutamine, 2g MSM, 1 cup coffee, no fruit, no nuts, no dairy, 1 + gal. water (finished first gallon by 2pm)
  • Notes: Swim felt good today. I thought the 2nd 500m was faster. Don't know if it's a PR but I am going to post it as so since its the fastest I have recorded in the last year.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011: Week 2, Workout 7

4:00 PM

800m run, weighted 20#
5:00 MU work - practiced negatives to work on deadhang
4 weighted rope climbs, 20#

Strength: Full Body
Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1
-Try +5lbs from last Monday's 165
**Did 1 full snatch at 170 after 2 consecutive misses at that weight.

Met-Con #1:
4 rounds for time of:
6 Deadlifts, 225#
12 Pushups
15 Box Jumps

Time - 3:22

MetCon #2:
For time:
1000m row
800m run

Time - 6:58

Daily Report:
  • Body: Neck is feeling kind of weird today. I must have slept on it wrong
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: solid, 1+ gal. of water, 4g fish oil, 2g MSM, 2g glutamine, 4g vit. C, 10,000 I.U. Vit. D. - been dosing high on the Vit. C & D the past few days b/c Bev has been sick.
  • Notes: Workout went well today. Practiced some weighted rope climbs and just as I suspected it is a little easier with the weight evenly distributed instead of all on your back in a ruck. Snatch went well, though I just couldn't get completely under the HPS at 170 without getting lower than 90 degrees on the snatch therefore negating the "power" position. Ended up doing 1 full snatch at 170 and it felt solid. MetCon 1 was fast and unbroken on all movements. MetCon 2 was awful. My mouth went dry near the 800m mark on the row. I made my goal of < 7:00 though. Good day all around.

Sunday, June 12, 2011: REST DAY


Daily Report:
  • Body: Everything is feeling pretty good.
  • Sleep: 6hrs, poor
  • Nutrition: crap + beer
  • Notes: Horse races, sisters b-day, Mav's game.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011: Week 1, Day 6

Active Recovery/CFE

5k run, 85% effort

Time - 22:37

Daily Report:
  • Body: Knees are a little sore from the squatting yesterday. Squats were kind of awkward in boots and pants.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: Good during the day, crap by the evening.
  • Notes: Felt pretty good on the run today. I hit the turn around at 10:52. I thought it felt overly easy to get to that point and when I turned around I realized the route was slightly downhill and the wind was at my back. From the turn to finish it was tough but felt good. Next 5k TT I will do on a track to get a legit time at 100% effort. I think at this point I can get a sub 20:00 time.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011: Week 1, Day 5

4:00 PM

500m row, easy

Strength: Upper Body
Weighted Ring Dips, 5-5-5-3-3-3

"The Chase"*
-In a 20# ruck sack, boots, and pants

For time:
800m Run
21 Thrusters 95#
21 Pullups
3 Rope Climbs
15 Thrusters
15 Pullups
2 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
9 Pullups
1 Rope Climb

Time - 25:37

10:00 Stretch

Daily Report
  • Body: I can still feel a little soreness in my quads at the bottom of a squat. Everything else is good to go.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, Paleo foods, some nuts, beer.
  • Notes: *"The Chase" was a workout I came up with for a cop buddy who needed to get some work done in what would be equivalent to his daily cop attire which includes a vest and a full load belt, pants, and boots. I would like to do a variant of this without the pullups and add in some prowler pushing after the rope climbs. This workout was tough. The rope climbs were the hardest part. I think the weight from the ruck pulling back as I was climbing was the issue. It might have been a little easier with a weight vest since it is somewhat evenly distributed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011: Week 1, Day 4

11:00 AM


A. Max distance underwater swim

B. OTM for 20:00, 50m free

C. 50m backstroke

Daily Report:
  • Body: Quads are still a little sore and so are my shoulders.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: Good. Had nuts, 1 glass of wine
  • Notes: Workout went well. The 50m's averaged around :50.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011: Week 1, Day 3

4:00 PM

A1. Row, easy
A2. Mobility/ROM

Strength: Lower Body
B. Hack Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3

C. 12-9-6-3
Power Cleans, 185#
Box Jumps, 30"

Time - 6:36

D. Stretch

Daily Report:
  • Body: Chest and shoulders are sore.
  • Sleep: 7 hrs, poor
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, paleo foods, no fruit, 4g fish oil. PWO: 2g glutamine, 2g MSM
  • Notes: Haven't ever really played around with the hack squat. It got tough fast and form started to fail a little on the heavier weights. Got 315 up to my knees before the angle was too great and couldn't get it over my hamstrings. The point of the exercise is to maintain an upright position similar to a front squat or high bar back squat. The met-con got tough fast. The weight got heavy, but I felt good afterward.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011: Week 1, Day 2

10:30 AM:


A. 25m underwater swim x 2
B. 6 x 100m freestyle sprints, rest as needed
C. 50m backstroke

4:00 PM:

Physical Training:

A1. 500m row, easy
A2. Mobility/ROM

B. OTM for 21:00
10 Wide Pushups the 1st minute
10 Regular pushups the 2nd minute
10 Tricep pushups the 3rd minute
TOTAL = 210 pushups

C. 10x4 sets, GHD situps

Daily Report:
  • Body: Shouders are pretty tired/sore today. Quads are slightly sore.
  • Nutrition: 1 cup coffee, 2 beers at happy hour, paleo foods, 4g fish oil, PWO: 2g Glutamine, 2g MSM, 1 gallon + of water.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs, quality
  • Notes: Originally planned to swim 10x100m sprints but I didn't want to overdo it on my shoulders since I have PT this afternoon. Pushps went well. Didn't really have to break. I originally planned to do this for 30:00 to make 300 pushups. I decided I didn't want to be incapacitated for tomorrow. Next time I do this I will go for 30:00.

Monday, June 6, 2011: Week 1, Day 1

3:30 PM


A1. 20 cal. row - :48
A2. Mobility
A3. HSPU work 5:00, 20 kipped

Strength/Full Body:
B. Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3-1-1-1

C. For time:
50 pullups
50 KB Swings, 53# (American)
50 Double Unders
50 OHS, 95#

Time - 10:37

Daily Report:
  • Body: Everything feels great.
  • Sleep: 10 hrs decent. Watched the Mav's game the night before and had some beers, which usually makes me not sleep so well.
  • Nutrition: Solid
  • Notes: Missed the first attempt at 155 out front. Solid on the second. Made 165, which was a little shaky but matches my current 1RM PR. The met-con was tough. Hit the shoulders pretty hard. Broke the pullups in 30-10-6-4, KB Swings in 25-15-10, DU's unbroken, OHS 5 sets of 10. Wrists and quads were really feeling it in the OHS.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011 - Sunday, June 5, 2011


*New training cycle to start tomorrow.

  • Body: Everything is feeling good. Been working on the shoulder and stretching/rolling everything around it. Its feeling much better. Knee is doing well too.
  • Sleep: been decent the past few days.
  • Nutrition: Pretty solid in terms of food quality. Had a lot of nuts on Saturday and a couple beers during the day, glass of wine at night. Had a cup of coffee on Sunday.
  • Notes:
  • -Friday: 30:00 walk in the morning. Was supposed to do a workout but my buddy bailed on me so I held off for a couple more days rest.
  • -Saturday: Woke up at 4am to go fishing. Fished most of the day.
  • -Sunday: 30:00 walk upon waking. Did some discipline training during the day: made it a point to not sit down unless I had to (i.e. driving) from wake to 3pm. Went well, but its weird to do normal house things, like watch tv and eat, standing up.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Feeling good today. Biceps and elbows are a little tender to the touch.
  • Sleep: ~10hrs, decent
  • Nutrition: Day 4 of no caffeine: No ramifications from lack of it. It gets easier each time I stop drinking coffee. Paleo, meat & veggies, few handfuls of nuts, no fruit, no dairy, 1 gal. + of water.
  • Notes: Went on a 30-35 minute walk today after I woke up. Ready to get back to training.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Daily Report:
  • Body: Shoulders and arms are still sore, knee is a little twingy today.
  • Sleep: 10-11 hrs, quality
  • Nutrition: Clean foods, no coffee or dairy
  • Notes: Went for a 20:00 walk midday. It was warm out.